Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

911 Ten Years Later – This Week On Gun Talk Radio

A special 9/11 edition of Tom Gresham's Gun Talk radio this Sunday shares stories from the attacks and outlines plans each person can put into place...

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Panteao Productions Introduces Make Ready With Massad Ayoob – Home Defense

This is the first in an upcoming series of new videos with Massad Ayoob. Writing for gun magazine since 1971, Ayoob is one of the most widely known writers in the firearms industry...

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AZ Shooting This Week on American Trigger Sports Network

Watch Janet McDougall, Glenn Lubeznik, David Garza, Marshall McDougall, Ike Pryor, Victor con Rodriquez Perez, Diana Vasquez...hit and miss on the Green Course at NSCA Championship. All this, and more, at www.atsn.tv...

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Highlights from 2010 This Week on American Trigger Sports Network

Guests include George Digweed, Kim Rhode, Massad Ayoob, Todd Bender and Derek Hurt plus highlights from our weekly contributing guests, Rachel Parsons, Barbara Crown, David Codrea and Mark Walters...

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Chicago Shooting Shows Why Mayor Daley Doesn’t ‘Get It’

This neighborhood predator made what nationally-recognized self-defense expert Massad Ayoob calls a fatal error in the victim selection process...

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Gun Talk Radio Adds 90th Station

If you don't like guns or know anything about guns, then you might as well pack it up and move on out...

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