Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Unarmed Equality for Hollywood’s Anti-Gun Glitterati?

By Kimberly Bloom Jackson

Anti-Gun Hollywood
Anti-Gun Hollywood
Kimberly Bloom Jackson
Kimberly Bloom Jackson

United States -(AmmoLand.com)- What is it about Hollywood elites who jump on their soapboxes proclaiming to be saviors of America, but then do everything imaginable to undermine the core principles of its founding?

Take Hollywood’s anti-gun glitterati for example. Between making personal fortunes from glorifying guns in their movies and living exuberant lifestyles that includes armed security, one would think they would support their fellow Americans right to self-defense. Nope.

We’ve all heard of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his scandalous anti-gun program Everytown For Gun Safety. Now, Academy Award-winning actress Julianne Moore has recently launched her own gun control group called Everytown Creative Council, which, not surprisingly, falls under the auspices of Bloomberg’s organization. To help her, she has recruited fellow celebrities Meg Ryan, Amy Schumer, Jennifer Lawrence, Reese Witherspoon, Kevin Bacon, Kristen Bell, Jessica Chastain, J.J.Abrams, and others to join in her un-American assault on the Second Amendment.

In a Huffington Post blog, Moore had the audacity to write:

  • “We are actors and artists, but we are Americans first. … We respect the Second Amendment but keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of convicted criminals, terrorists, domestic abusers, stalkers and dangerous people isn’t anti-gun; it’s pro-common sense.”
  • “We know that more than 90 percent of Americans support common-sense reforms that are proven to save lives. What not enough people know and what the gun lobby doesn’t want more of us to know is that a large majority of gun owners support these reforms too.”

This is a level of propaganda we would expect from the pompous pigs in George Orwell’s 1945 classic novel Animal Farm. All people are equal, but some people (the elites who like to make the rules) are more equal than others.

First, Moore attempts to establish herself and her fellow creative comrades as “Americans First,” which is nothing more than a stealthy ruse that acts as a preemptive strike against our reasoning and constitutional understanding of the Second Amendment. Next, she attempts to instill fear by listing all the bad guys who could potentially get their hands on “dangerous weapons.” Apparently, she has never read the FBI’s yearly published Uniform Crime Report. If she did, she would know that the most used lethal weapon of all is not a gun, but rather a bludgeoning instrument, primarily the fist.

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