Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Jaguar in Arizona’s Chiricahua Mountains Video is Male

AZGFD biologists and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined that a jaguar recently captured on a trail video camera in the Chiricahua Mountains is male.

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AZGFD: Photographed Jaguar Is Newcomer To Arizona

Scientists at the AZGFD completed an analyses of trail cam photos of a jaguar and confirmed that the animal has not been seen previously in Arizona.

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Jaguar Photograph Taken by Fort Huachuca, Arizona Trail Camera

The Arizona Game and Fish Department and the U.S. Fish, Wildlife Service recently received a photograph of a jaguar taken by a trail camera.

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Jaguar shot during Olympic ceremony after it escapes handlers

The animal was initially shot with a tranquilizer, but when it failed to have an effect and the big cat went after a soldier, it was shot and killed.

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Notice To Arizona Hunters Regarding The Recent Designation Of Jaguar Critical Habitat

The Arizona Game and Fish Department has been receiving inquiries from concerned hunters about the impact the recent designation of jaguar critical habitat in southern Arizona will have on hunting in the designated area.

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Key Figure Admits Involvement In Macho B Jaguar Capture

Janay Brun, 39, of Sasabe, Ariz., admitted to committing an Attempted Take of an Endangered Species, which is a violation of the Endangered Species Act...

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Arizona Game And Fish Issues Response Regarding Jaguar Macho B

The Department’s response criticizes nearly every finding in the report and calls for an independent review of the report...

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National Public Radio Can’t Get Its Jaguar Story Right

If you listened to this morning’s NPR report and you think you know the story of Macho B Jaguar, you’ve been misled....

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