Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Learning Lessons From The Bass Burglary

The burglary of Karen Bass's home has lessons for Second Amendment supporters.

Murphy Blocking Cruz School Security Bill Says It All

Chris Murphy just gave Second Amendment supporters a chance to deflect attacks after school shootings.

Financial Deplatforming Just Got Closer

A decision about credit cards brings financial deplatforming that much closer.

Memphis Should Be Mentioned… Constantly

Second Amendment supporters should talk about Memphis... a lot.

Biden Rhetoric An Opportunity That Must Be Taken Seriously

Joe Biden's extreme rhetoric may be a massive opportunity for Second Amendment supporters.

Taking California And New York On Is Essential

Recent events dictate that Second Amendment supporters urge their local lawmakers to address the threat California and New York pose to our freedoms.

Lessons From the Failure that is Liz Cheney

One major takeaway from Liz Cheney’s actions over the last 19+ months: Know that you cannot compromise on our right to keep and bear arms.

Some Belated Accountability For Broward County, Florida

Second Amendment supporters must get the truth about Parkland out.

Could ATF Be Reined In Big Time? What Happens If It Is?

If a case in the Fifth Circuit is upheld, BATFE could be reined in. What happens after that?

Second Amendment Supporters Dodged A Bullet In Cincinnati

The incident at a Cincinnati field office of the FBI could have been much worse, but it also is a warning for Second Amendment supporters.

Recognize The Pattern, Break The Pattern

Second Amendment supporters must break a pattern to preserve recent legal victories.

Digging Deeper Into Nadler’s Forced Error – And Revealing One Unforced Error

Nadler's error was forced through adept tactics by a pro-Second Amendment lawmaker.