Digging Deeper Into Nadler’s Forced Error – And Revealing One Unforced Error

Digging Deeper Into Nadler’s Forced Error – And Revealing One Unforced Error

United States – -(AmmoLand.com)- When discussing how Jerry Nadler gave Second Amendment supporters all they needed, there was a facet of the discussion that was given short shrift: Nadler’s error was forced by Rep. Dan Bishop (R-GA). Time for a deeper dig, because Bishop, like Marco Rubio in the aftermath of Parkland, was able to reveal anti-Second Amendment extremism for what it truly was.

If you recall CNN’s town hall (really a multi-hour live shaming of Second Amendment supporters) after Parkland, we can recall Dana Loesch’s superb performance, which came during her time as a NRA TV host. Less well-understood was the moment where Senator Marco Rubio revealed the desire of anti-Second Amendment extremists to ban all semi-automatic firearms.

Rubio simply had pointed out what everyone who was familiar with the fact sheets on modern semiautomatic firearms provided by the NRA-ILA or NSSF knew – that an AR-15 operates no differently than a Browning BAR or Ruger mini-14.

Bishop’s move was not quite the same thing, but it was no less crucial than Rubio’s adept maneuvering at the CNN shame-fest. By reminding people that the AR-15s in particular are commonly used, Dan Bishop was invoking Heller.

Nadler then gave away the whole debate when he said, “The problem is they are in common use.” Folks, when Ammoland can access this comment on video from a reliable news outlet reasonably friendly to the Second Amendment, it’s hard for the Washington Post, New York Times, or CNN to wave away the fact that Nadler said it.

By the way, when we talk about reliable news sources, the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and a host of other purportedly “mainstream” outlets are excluded.

They have to deal with the fact that Nadler is deliberately defying the Supreme Court. Dan Bishop deserves a lot of credit for pressuring Nadler into that errant statement which pro-Second Amendment attorneys will rely on for years to come.

We now get to touch on an unforced error on the part of anti-Second Amendment extremists. This comes from the bill they pushed through recently. It would be a real shame if we began to point out that in the gun ban recently passed in the House of Representatives, some actual weapons of war, the SKS with fixed magazine, M1 Carbine, and the M1 Garand, were explicitly protected.

This makes for a nice demonstration of hypocrisy, if nothing else. The fact of the matter is that anti-Second Amendment extremists want gun bans, and you can bet that what they list today will be removed tomorrow. Just look at Australia or Canada if you have any doubts.

Second Amendment supporters have some real chances to enhance the likelihood of defeating anti-Second Amendment extremists via the ballot bot at the federal, state, and local levels. If they can be as tactically adept as Dan Bishop was during that mark-up, anti-Second Amendment extremists will be facing a lot more defeats.

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post, Strategypage.com, and other national websites.Harold Hutchison