Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

The Faith of Hoplophobes

The problem arises when someone tries to force their faith on others, be it religious, social, dietary, pharmacologic, or hoplophobic.

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Medical Economic’s Biased Article Reeks of Hoplophobia

The editors at Medical Economics, choice of a fuming hoplophobe to write about guns only confirms that bias is alive in their newsletter...

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They’re Coming for Your Keys

Alas, when a disgruntled lone wolf turned a gasoline delivery truck into a giant Molotov cocktail, the final decision was made. The government did away with motor vehicles altogether...

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American College of Surgeons Wants to Have a Conversation About Your Guns

Prescription No Guns
American College of Surgeons Wants to Have a Conversation About Your Guns
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)- The staid American College of Surgeons (ACS) has mostly kept out of the culture wars against American gun owners started years ago by other organized medicine groups.

But now they want to push gun prohibitionists’ political goals, including banning America’s favorite firearms.  And although they will deny it, they don’t want any back talk from freedom-loving Americans.

Surgeons deal with the immediate damage of gun crime, treating victims of gunshot wounds in the emergency department and operating room. 

What Have We Learned?

Tonight what has the conservative gleaned from this latest primary season, Clinton doesn't think Obama transformed enough,Looking at lies regarding the protection of school children.

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Cancer and “Gun Violence”

Anyone hawking cure-all solutions for “gun violence” is selling snake oil. Only a specific diagnosis can cure suicide, gang violence, accidental deaths or mass homicide...

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In the Crosshairs: Are Our Hospitals Targets for Terrorist Attacks?

With the increase in terrorist activity by ISIS and the influx of Syrian refugees into North America, we have to ask ourselves: What will be their targets and how will they attack?

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How the Gun Control Movement Sabotages Itself

Recent reports on a meeting last week in which gun control leaders were reminded once again to hide their real aims behind bland, inoffensive, & comforting language.

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A Sweep of Every House

Gun Confiscation Squads
A Sweep of Every House
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)-  On Independence Day weekend California Governor Jerry Brown, with the stroke of a pen, created several million brand new criminals in the once-Golden State.

Before jumping on a plane for a European vacation, he signed six of the eleven gun control bills sent to him by the one-party lynch mob that California’s legislature has become.

All six laws will go into effect next year. They create new crimes that will be committed simply because of Governor Brown’s signature, not by any actual misdeeds of hapless Californians against person or property.

Pseudoscience About Guns in the Canadian Medical Association Journal

Gary Mauser, PhD's, analysis of a “study” claiming that Australia’s 1996 gun confiscation law ended “fatal mass shootings” there. Turns out it didn’t...

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We All Want Peace

It is un-American when they belittle the right to keep & bear arms because that right didn’t somehow stop a terrible, unlawful act before it started.

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Ten Favorite Lies of the Gun Control Lobby

One can only conclude that the gun control lobby liars are more interested in political posturing and cultural warfare than in reducing “gun violence.”

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