Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

The Vaccine “Loophole” and Other Myths

Anti Gun Vaccination
The Vaccine “Loophole” and Other Myths
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)-  In 1998, a group of physicians published a small case study involving just 12 patients in the respected medical journal Lancet, claiming that their results indicated a link between the mumps-measles-rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism.

The story received wide publicity in the media and spawned a tidal wave of public concern, as well as multiple large follow-up studies—none of which supported their conclusion.

In the years since publication, Lancet and all of the authors have retracted the 1998 study in its entirety.  It has been convincingly demonstrated that the results were not simply incorrect, but were fabricated, a deliberate fraud perpetrated for financial gain—the lead author had received funding from lawyers representing parents suing vaccine manufacturers.

The retractions, however, received very little media attention.

The Gun Survey That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Gun Survey
The Gun Survey That Dare Not Speak Its Name
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)- [DRGO Editor’s Note: We are pleased to welcome to DRGO authorship a good friend and colleague, intellectual and good guy Tom Gift, MD.  He knows research, teaching and clinical psychiatry, and keeps his pistol close to hand.] 

Recent liberal media are agog about the “most definitive portrait of U.S. gun ownership in 2 decades” but—would you believe it?—the report is unpublished.  Rather, it was previewed to two media outlets known to be unfriendly to the idea of citizen gun owners. 

Blank Minds Mutter: The Death of Deliberation

Anti gun Democrats acted nothing like a deliberative body. In fact, these soap opera antics were an outgrowth of the sit-in staged on the House floor...

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Active Shooter Seminar: Jihad Comes to the Inland Empire

Active Shooter
Active Shooter Seminar: Jihad Comes to the Inland Empire
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)- Early this month I attended a day-long seminar given by the San Bernardino (California) County Sheriff’s Medical Reserve Corps.

It was a sit-down class on dealing with active shooter attacks, and especially on one such attack with great meaning to us who live in this county.

The speakers were intimately involved in the San Bernardino terrorist attack of December 2, 2015.

About 200 invitees listened as San Bernardino Police chief Jarrod Burguan spoke for nearly an hour about how a county environmental health specialist attended a Christmas party with co-workers at a state building, the Inland Regional Center.

The employee left the gathering briefly, and then returned with his wife.  Both were heavily armed, and as it turned out, were Islamic jihadists returning the kindness of their American colleagues with a premeditated nightmare of savagery and slaughter.

Debunking Suicide “Research” by Hack Public Health Activists

Bogus Research
Debunking Suicide “Research” by Hack Public Health Activists
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)-  Are anti-gun public health activists as statistically ignorant as they appear, or do they think their audiences are? They may be right about the journalists who parrot their parodies of scientific research.

A recent article in [anti gun]The Trace, “Ten essential facts about guns and suicide”, reminded me of a pungent saying by the famous comedian, W.C. Fields: “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with b—s—.”

This article is chock full of BS, “bogus science.”

Hospitals: Gun-Free Terrorist Targets

[Editor’s note: This is the second of four presentations DRGO leadership gave at this weekend’s 31st annual Gun Rights Policy Conference hosted by the Second Amendment Foundation in Tampa. See the video, beginning at 9:20:10.]

Hospital Bans Guns
Hospitals: Gun-Free Terrorist Targets
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)-  Thank you, Alan, Julianne and the SAF for asking me to speak to you again this year. As you may know I am a fervent opponent of Gun Free Zones in general, and in hospitals, in particular. The gun free zone, that is my hospital workplace, is the motivating factor for my Second Amendment rights restoration efforts and my presence here today.

The Sandwich Method of Gun Control “Journalism”

Yellow Journalism
The Sandwich Method of Gun Control “Journalism”
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)- At Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO) we’ve often written about advocacy science, which really isn’t science at all.

Rather, it is politics masquerading as science.  There’s also such a thing as advocacy journalism, which really isn’t journalism at all.  It is politics masquerading as journalism.

DRGO recently was approached by Kaiser Health News reporter Shefali Luthra for a story on the latest pediatric journal article aimed at shoring up the case for doctors probing their patients about guns in their homes.

Waiting Your Turn, Seconds Count, Police are Still Minutes Away

Few know of who Joel Myrick, Tracy Bridges or Joe Zamudio are, three armed citizen heroes who ran to, not from, the gunfire of mass murderers.

The post Waiting Your Turn, Seconds Count, Police are Still Minutes Away appeared first on AmmoLand.com.

Finding the Cure to Stop Violence

By Gary Gonsalves, MD & Rob Morse
[Editor’s note: The following letter by Gary Gonsalves, MD (assisted by Rob Morse) was originally published August 29, 2016 in 
CSA Online First,  by the California Society of Anesthesiologists. It is reproduced here by permission.]  

Gun Control Safety Cap Medicine
If gun control laws worked, then the cities of Oakland, Newark, and Chicago would be our safest cities rather than some of our most dangerous.
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)-  Last week’s blog post, “Gun Violence:  When will we make a change?”, made an an emotional appeal for legislative and research solutions to gun violence.

However, extensive research already exists.

Government vs. People and Guns : Primum non nocere

By Tom Vaughan

Should I Trust Government
Government vs. People and Guns : Primum non nocere
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)- The mission of the Food and Drug Administration is ostensibly to protect Americans from potentially harmful substances.  Likely you’ve seen the agency come under fire for a variety of reasons—they’re too slow to approve new drugs and devices, they deny access to experimental treatments for terminal patients. The list goes on.

As with any labyrinthine and glacial bureaucracy, the anger and frustration we feel is logical and appropriate.   It’s repugnant for government at any level to deny citizens the right to make individual choices which have no direct consequences for anyone other than themselves. 

My Disease Free Zone Declaration

By Tom Vaughan
Declares himself a Disease Free Zone!

Disease Free Zone
Disease Free Zone
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)-  I’m so excited—I’m going to live forever.  Today I declared my body a Disease-Free Zone.

I had thought immortality would be complicated.  I’d thought it would require a lot of research and some pretty substantial lifestyle adjustments, not to mention a lot of preventive medical care, and constant vigilance for early signs of disease.

But it turns out all I had to do was make my body a Disease-Free Zone. To make it official, I had my lawyer draw up some documents.  And to make sure there wasn’t any doubt about it, I got it tattooed on my forearm.

But I think that pretty much covers it:  clearly stated intent not to be the victim of disease, legal documentation of my Disease Free status, and a clearly posted sign.

Guns, Glory and the Angel of Justice

By Wallace Schwam, MD

Cowboy Angel of Justice
Guns, Glory and the Angel of Justice
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)-  My name is Justice, and I am the Angel of Implementation.  How can I best describe my job to you?   When the Creator gives an order, I’m the one that gets it done.  Let’s just say that, up here, I’m the “Go To Guy”.

My latest assignment began in a most peculiar way.  One morning, I suddenly found myself  sitting on Cloud Nine . In truth, I was a bit nervous, having been summoned to this high station by none other than the boss’s assistant. As I sipped my morning latte (heavenly tasting stuff) I sensed that something big was coming down.