Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Firearm’s Bigotry in the San Bernardino County Medical Society
by AmmolandUSA – -(Ammoland.com)- Nearly a month ago I was asked to complete a member satisfaction survey from my county medical society.
As part of my response I sent a letter to San Bernardino County Medical Society president Michael Sequeira, MD, published November 1 in this blog. I expressed my personal opposition to Proposition 63, a California gun control ballot initiative (the initiative passed on November 8 by a large margin).
Facebook Actively Suppressing News Distribution for the Gun Industry
by AmmolandA coalition of firearms-related organizations, today revealed that Facebook has been actively suppressing their posts...
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Muslim Army reservist sues gun store posting ‘Muslim free’ signs
by Alexander HarrisRaja'ee Fatihah, a Muslim Army reservist, said he was denied service at Oklahoma gun range Save Yourself Survival and Tactical Gear as a result of his religious affiliation.
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The Demand for Villains
by Thomas SowellAn earlier groupthink assumption was that groups that did not succeed as often, or as well, were genetically inferior. But is our current groupthink assumption based on any more hard evidence?
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Who’s Burning Black Churches? Oh Wait…Its Blacks
by Michelle MalkinThere's a long, shameful trail of hate crime hoaxes exploiting racial division in America that can no longer be whitewashed by the media and academia.
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Opportunity Versus Outcomes
by Thomas SowellAs a teenager, I tried briefly to play basketball. But I was lucky to hit the backboard, much less the basket. Yet I had just as much opportunity to play basketball as Michael Jordan had.
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Washington Post on VA Shooter: It Was The Gun In His Hand, Not The Gay In His Heart
by AWR HawkinsThe WaPo column fails to mention the fact Flanagan was gay or that he was distressed over how “black men” and others received him for being so...
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We’re ALL Out of Africa
by Alan CarubaI think if we were honest enough to admit it, we are all bigoted in some way...
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What Are You Going To Do When Your Jews Leave?
by Van HarlSo Jews are on the move yet again as has happened so many times in history. My personal concern is the brain-drain that will happen if American Jews decide to leave the US...
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The Oh So Tolerant Gun Bigots At CSGV Launch Campaign To Get Pro 2A Reporter Fired
by Dan RobertsOnce again the "I am more tolerant than you" and "open minded" bullies at 'The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence' have publicly revealed they are anything but tolerant or open minded...
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A brief history of the Black Panthers and how it’s relevant today (VIDEO)
by Jennifer Cruz"We use the black panther as our symbol because of the nature of a panther," Huey Newton of the Black Panther Party explained 50 years ago. "The panther doesn't strike anyone, but when he's assailed upon, he'll back up first, but if the aggressor continues, then he'll strike out."
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Civil rights group asks for probe into Arkansas ‘Muslim-free’ firing range
by Jennifer CruzThe Council on American-Islamic Relations says Jan Morgan's decision to make her firing range a “Muslim-free zone” violates federal laws prohibiting racial and religious discrimination and will result in “a hostile environment for ordinary Muslims in Arkansas.”
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