Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Oklahoma Sheriff’s Office Now Investigating ATF’s SWAT Team Raid

No one at the ATF warned the Sheriff’s Office in advance that highly armed federal agents would be conducting the SWAT raid. “We weren’t apprised of anything..."

Oklahoma Lawmaker Demanding Investigation Into ATF Swat Team Raid Of Pastor’s Home

"we have laws to grant law-abiding citizens the right to constitutionally carry firearms & to prohibit the unlawful seizure of such firearms by federal agents,” Humphrey wrote.

ATF Has NO Authority To Change Rules & Definitions Of Guns Without Congressional Approval

A federal district court judge agreed and concluded that ATF had acted in excess of its statutory authority and granted summary judgment.

National Review’s Reporting FAIL on ATF Frame or Receiver Rule

It’s surprising when the conservative National Review seemingly bends over backward to defend the weaponized agency in a poorly researched and written piece.

Biden’s DOJ Asks SCOTUS to Gut the 2nd Amendment in 67-Page Brief

This shocking 67-page brief from the DOJ would tear apart the court's current interpretation of the Second Amendment & gut your GOD-given right to keep & bear arms.

YouTube Creators File Court Brief in FREE Press Fight Over DOJ Gag Order

YouTube video creators are seeking the court's permission to weigh in on an emergency motion to intervene against a gag effort by U.S. Attorney to silence free press.

AmmoLand News Journalist Faces Gag Effort by US Attorney

Assistant United States Attorney Laura Cofer Taylor is attempting to silence AmmoLand News journalist John Crump over his reporting on the AutoKeyCard Case.