Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Kavanaugh Accusers’ Official High School Yearbooks Detail Sex, Drunkenness & Racism

Specifically relevant to the accusations at hand is one section of the yearbook articles that report a regularly occurring pool party with male strippers.

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‘Believe Women’ Is Perilous Baloney

Your blanket "Believe Women" bloviations are moral and intellectual abominations that insult every human being of sound mind and soul.

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More Slimy SCOTUS Delays By, Wait for it,,,, Democrats

What sane judge would like to be the next Supreme Court nominee? After this what judge in their right mind would want to go through a confirmation process like this?

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The Eleventh Hour Dirty Tricks

In the eleventh hour, Democrat Senator Feinstein has pulled one of their typical sleazy dirty tricks on Judge Kavanaugh reminiscent of the abusive Clarence Thomas hearings.

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Dems Are Joking Right?

These MeToo-ers exposed themselves for what they are: not people interested in exercising their First Amendment rights but whiny millennials politically PMSing who can’t be taken seriously.

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It’s Our Constitution — Not Kavanaugh

If confirmed, Brett Kavanaugh will bring to the U.S. Supreme Court a vision closer to that of the Framers than the vision of those who believe that the Constitution is a "living document."

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What Kavanaugh Means for the Second Amendment Fight

What would the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh mean for the battle to protect our Second Amendment rights?

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SCOTUS Nomination Train

Amid the hateful accusations and grandstanding by Senate Democrats and the barrage of negative headlines from mainstream leftist media Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation is moving full speed ahead.

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Judge Brett Kavanaugh an Exceptionally Qualified Nominee for the Supreme Court

"Judge Kavanaugh has impeccable credentials, unsurpassed qualifications, and a proven commitment to equal justice. There is no one in America more qualified for this position" ~ President Donald Trump

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Judge Kavanaugh: Brought It

The Democrats’ unseemly theatrics and shaky claims have merely provided an even sharper contrast for Judge Kavanaugh’s own dedication to and mastery of the law.

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Anti-gun Senator Distorts the Law & Facts in Unsuccessful Attack on SCOTUS Nominee

This week the nation was subjected to an embarrassing and undignified spectacle of obstructionist partisan politics surrounding the confirmation hearings of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh...

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Democrats are Running on Gun Control in 2018

The problem for advocates of control is that as the courts turn increasingly against them, they’ll have to learn how to use persuasion, not force.

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