Art by Michael Ramirez
USA –-( Dems Are Joking Right?
“You knew there would be trouble. In the corridors outside the hearing room, a gaggle of women dressed in red capes and white bonnets ala The Handmaiden’s Tale heckled Republican senators as they entered the room. On cue, as Democrats interrupted Grassley, several in the gallery shouted, screamed, screeched, ragged, and otherwise denied every U.S. citizen their rights. By 10:19 a.m. yesterday morning (Tuesday), 22 people were arrested, all of them women. These MeToo-ers exposed themselves for what they are: not people interested in exercising their First Amendment rights but whiny millennials politically PMSing who can’t be taken seriously.….“
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About Michael Ramirez
Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, Michael Ramirez, combines an encyclopedic knowledge of the news with a captivating drawing style to create consistently outstanding editorial cartoons on Ammoland Shooting Sports News.
“An editorial cartoon is not just a funny picture,” says internationally known editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez. “It is a powerful instrument of journalism, sometimes sharp and refined, its message cutting quickly to the point, and other times, blunt and overpowering, seizing the readers' attention with its dark imagery.”
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