Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Breaking: Bernie Sanders Withdraws From 2020 Presidential Race

In news shocking only to those with a memory shorter than four years, VT senator and socialist, Bernie Sanders has just withdrawn from the 2020 election.

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Sen. Sanders’ Cluelessness, Ignorance and Disregard for Gun Laws is Frightening

Presidential contender U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders is either straight out lying, ignorant or seriously uninformed about gun laws in the United States.

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What Utopia? Democratic Socialism is Communism ~ VIDEO

Legally owning any kind of gun in Denmark is all but impossible, and forceful self-defense is essentially illegal. Violent criminals have a right to expect no resistance from their victims.

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Bernie Sanders on the 2nd Amendment: Register/Tax AR15 Rifles Like NFA Weapons ~VIDEO

"Regulate assault weapons [meaning your common AR15] in the same way that we currently regulate fully automatic weapons — a system that essentially makes them unlawful to own." ~ berniesanders.com.

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Bernie Leads His Party to Open Borders

At present levels, illegal immigration is bringing in millions of people without the work, education or language skills to compete and assimilate rapidly in a first world, Western economy.

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Sanders Burns the 2020 Democratic Primary Gun Control Agenda

Unfortunately, Sanders’s moment of lucidity was brief. The candidate went on to express support for the criminalization of private gun transfers & a ban on the sale of commonly-owned semi-automatics.

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Republicans Need to Be Reminded Where Surrendering on Guns Leads

Who thinks, once in place throughout the land, that those in power won’t throw “red flags” for other reasons...?

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Bernie Sanders has a Recently Bad Record on Gun Rights

Bernie has gone from a Second Amendment bro to just another extreme anti-Second Amendment zero.

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Bernie Voters

The three main characters, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey, involved in spying on the Trump campaign may be worried about doing time after Barr is finished with the Spygate investigation.

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Millennials for Socialism

If one needed evidence of the gross ignorance of millennials, and their teachers and college professors, it's their solid support for socialism and socialist presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders

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