Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Why The Easter Bunny May Not Have Come To Your House

A number of variables have converged to cause neglect of our forests. While land development and dwindling corridors are factors, so too are the high percentage of "mature" forest...

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NJOA: Firearms Disarmament Bills To Be Heard By NJ Assembly

NJOA continues to examine the potential impact on hunters, this Action Alert is to make hunters aware of pending legislation and provide a listing of THE NEW JERSEY ASSEMBLY LAW & PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE...

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A Look at NY King Bloomberg – Gun for Hire Radio Episode #59

We’re a progressive, tolerant society here in the city, I demand it. But if you think for a moment it’s ok to come into this city and dance on my subway platform’s without proper I.D., your ass is mine...

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NJ Shark Finning Bill S-1764: All Sizzle No Steak

Bill S-1764 appears to be the manifestation of a scheme designed to recruit supporters by having them rely on emotional thinking because emotional thinking is needed to cloak the weaknesses of a Bill...

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Join NJOA At Beautiful Hudson Farm For A Clay Shoot Of A Lifetime

The Hudson Farm Club operates as a private year round outdoor experience for its members as one of the most attractive shooting layouts in the country since 1997...

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Science & Courts Agree on Legitimacy of Bear Hunting

The Animal Protection League of New Jersey and the Bear Education and Resource Group challenged the Division of Fish and Wildlife's Comprehensive Black Bear Management Policy, which includes an annual hunt...

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Like the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance on Facebook

You can follow all of the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance articles, OpEds, and other important information on Facebook...

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Let The House Burn: The Wrong Strategy For Marine Fisheries

It’s been nearly a year since I last wrote about the precipitous decline in New Jersey’s fisheries management capabilities, and the trend continues unabated...

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Forests Need Our Intellectual Honesty And Stewardship

The prevailing thought has kept woodlands from being managed by both humans and Mother Nature. We have learned that “passive management” is conspiring against forest health through degradation by aiding invasive plants and insects, and other wildlife to overtake forests...

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NJOA Refutes Sierra Club & Affirms Bear Hunt as Warranted

New Jersey Outdoor Alliance believes that a black bear hunt is a responsible, pragmatic, environmentally sound, science-based method for bringing the black bear population in line with the cultural carrying capacity of available habitat...

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Mauro to NJ Sierra Club: “Bear Hunt Warranted & Environmentally Sound.”

To reach the conclusion of the animal activist one must disagree with the findings of both a Superior Court and Appellate Court, each ruling that the State of New Jersey had put together a viable, comprehensive bear management plan...

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Practice Compassion for Animal Rights Activists

The philosophers tell us to have compassion for negative people, although I admit it is often a test of my own temperament...

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