NJOA: Firearms Disarmament Bills To Be Heard By NJ Assembly

New Jersey Outdoor Alliance
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance

TRENTON, NJ –-(Ammoland.com)- There are a large number of firearm bills being readied for hearing by New Jersey legislators.

The bills have wide ranging purposes, which include psychological testing, ammunition restrictions, increased background checks, magazine capacity restrictions, and more.

While the mission of the NJOA is to promote environmental stewardship and the intrinsic value of fishing, hunting and trapping (* see mission statement below), some of the proposed bills could impact a person’s use of a particular hunting firearm(s).

As the NJOA continues to examine the potential impact on hunters, this Action Alert is to make hunters aware of pending legislation and provide a listing of THE NEW JERSEY ASSEMBLY LAW & PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE, which will hear a number of bills on Wednesday, February 13. A full Assembly voting session is scheduled on Thursday, February 14.

Interested individuals should contact committee members (listed below) for more information. They should also contact their own assemblypersons (found at the link that follows.)


The NJOA will continue to monitor the situation and report its findings.

Proposed bills to be heard:

  • A588 (Spencer / Coutinho / Diegnan) – Prohibits possession of ammunition capable of penetrating body
  • armor.
  • A1116 (Fuentes / Spencer) – Establishes 180 day prohibition on purchase of handgun for certain
  • individuals who fail to report loss or theft of firearm.
  • A1329 (Greenwald / Quijano / Coutinho) – Reduces maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10
  • rounds.
  • A1387 (Wilson / Johnson) – Permits municipalities to establish weapons free zones around schools and
  • public facilities.
  • A1613 (Bramnick / Johnson) – Establishes Educational Security Task Force. (pending referral)
  • A3510 (Johnson / Vainieri Huttle) – Requires proof of firearms safety training as a condition for issuance of
  • firearms purchaser ID cards and permits to purchase handguns.
  • A3583 (Wilson) – Creates task force to explore areas to improve school safety. (pending intro and referral)
  • A3645 (Greenwald / Eustace / Mosquera) – Requires ammunition sales and transfers be conducted as
  • face-to-face transactions.
  • A3646 (Greenwald) – Establishes a regulatory system to govern the sale and transfer of ammunition.
  • A3659 (Barnes, III / Johnson) – Revises definition of destructive device to include certain weapons of 50
  • caliber or greater.
  • A3666 (Cryan / O’Donnell / Jasey) – Prohibits mail order, Internet, telephone, and any other anonymous
  • method of ammunition sale or transfer in New Jersey.
  • A3668 (Jasey / McKeon / Cryan) – Prohibits investment by State of pension and annuity funds in
  • companies manufacturing, importing, and selling assault firearms for civilian use. (pending referral)
  • A3687 (Stender / Fuentes) – Disqualifies person named on federal Terrorist Watchlist from obtaining
  • firearms identification card or permit to purchase handgun. (pending referral)
  • A3717 (Lampitt / Singleton) – Requires submission of certain mental health records to National Instant
  • Criminal Background Check System.
  • A3748 (O’Donnell / Mainor / McKeon) – Requires background check for private gun sales.
  • A3750 (Cryan / O’Donnell / Quijano) – Establishes regulatory and reporting program for all ammunition
  • sales.
  • A3754 (Cryan / O’Donnell / Quijano) – Requires firearms seizure when mental health professional
  • determines patient poses threat of harm to self or others.
  • A3772 (Eustace / Wagner / Vainieri Huttle) – Requires that firearms purchaser identification cards display
  • picture; mandates that firearms purchaser identification cards be renewed every five years.
  • A3788 (Rible / Dancer) – Codifies regulation exempting firearms records from State’s open public records
  • law; abolishes common law right of access to these records.
  • A3796 (Mainor) – Provides 90-day window for persons to dispose of certain unlawfully possessed firearms.
  • A3797 (Mainor) – Requires law enforcement to report certain firearms information to interjurisdictional
  • electronic databases including the National Integrated Ballistics Identification Network.
  • ACR180 (Greenwald) – Urges President and Congress of United States to enact legislation enforcing
  • stricter firearms control measures. (pending intro and referral)
  • AR143 (Quijano / Cryan / O’Donnell) – Expresses support for Attorney General’s gun buyback program.
  • AR144 (Oliver) – Urges Governor Christie’s Administration not to apply for annual exemption from
  • requirements of federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008. (pending referral)


Charles Mainor (Chair) (D31)
Phone: 201-536-7851
Fax: 201-536-7854

Gilbert L. Wilson (Vice Chair) (D5)
Phone: 856-547-4800
Fax: 856-547-5496

Nelson T. Albano (D1)
Phone: 609-465-0700
Fax: 609-465-4578

Daniel R. Benson (D14)
Phone: 609-631-0198
Fax: 609-631-0324

Sean Connors (D33)
Phone: 201-795-9190
Fax: 201-795-5290

Joseph Cryan (D20)
Phone: 908-624-0880
Fax: 908-624-0587

Sean T. Kean (R30)
Phone: 732-974-0400
Fax: 732-974-2564

Gregory P. McGuckin (R10)
Phone: 732-840-9028
Fax: 732-840-9757

Erik Peterson (R23)
Phone: 908-238-0251
Fax: 908-238-0256 Charles Mainor (Chair) (D31)

David P. Rible (R30)
Phone: 732-974-0400
Fax: 732-974-2564

Bonnie Watson Coleman (D15)
Phone: 609-292-0500
Fax: 609-633-2179

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* NJOA Mission Statement

The mission of New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is to serve as a grassroots coalition of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen dedicated to the conservation of natural resources and environmental stewardship. We will champion the intrinsic value of fishing, hunting, and trapping, among opinion leaders, policy makers, and the public at-large.