Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Obama Has Two More Years Left to Destroy the U.S.

As 2015 began the Journal Editorial Report on Fox News was devoted to having its reporters speculate on what 2015 holds in terms of who might run for president and what the economy might be.

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Why Isn’t It Treason?

“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” – Article Three, Section Three, U.S. Constitution.

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Supreme Court Malfeasance

In the United States, however, many of the traditional morals that served the interest of society have been abandoned since around the middle of the last century.

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Alan Caruba: Friends of the Earth Are the Enemies of Mankind

It’s such a benign sounding name, Friends of the Earth. This multi-million dollar international organization is a network of environmental organizations in 74 countries.

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Palestinians Are Running Out of Friends Again

The news of the day is former President Jimmy Carter who placed the blame for the Paris jihadist massacre on, you guessed it, Israel...

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Immigration Reform Becomes a Priority…Again

Every few years immigration becomes a political issue and, in truth, it has always been an issue in the minds of generations of Americans from its earliest years.

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Caruba: Our Political Class: 114th Congress

Boehner knew early on that Obama was a President who had little regard for Congress or, for that matter, the Constitution...

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Islam Kills Again

The news from Paris about the killing of twelve journalists highlights Islam's war on the West that represents a fundamental truth about this cult of Mohammad...

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Challenging Obama’s Alleged Powers

The good news as 2015 debuts is that President Obama has managed to very nearly decimate the Democratic Party...

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The Future is Arriving Faster than Ever

This old journalist cannot escape the feeling that what we are reading much of the time is little more than a government press release handout.

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Caruba: Making Predictions

What is predictable will be natural events such as hurricanes and tornadoes, but what is largely unreported is that both have been occurring less in recent years.

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Caruba: People I Don’t Like

At the end of every year it is customary to offer up lists of all kinds—the best this, the worst that—and it is a brief, generally amusing exercise.

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