Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Hating On Humanity by Opposing Science

The Friends of the Earth and others who oppose such advances want you to die because they believe humans are a plague on the Earth...

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Beyond Anti-Semitism , What They Really Hate is ‘Freedom’

The question is whether Israel & the U.S. can survive an inevitable attack and whether the rest of the world can avoid slipping into a new Dark Age rooted in the seventh century...

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Are We Seeing History Repeat Itself?

Whether it will erupt in a new world war is unknown, but if history is a guide, we are moving in that direction...

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Barack Hussein Obama – The Worst U.S. President Ever!

I have little doubt that future historians and others will conclude that President Barack Hussein Obama was the worst President ever to serve in that office...

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President Christie?

Politically I think the nation has been moving more into the conservative political zone & we can thank President Obama for that, but Christie has to select a few major issues and hammer them home...

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It’s Not Just Brian Williams Lying to Us

Not only are all the children in our schools still being taught utter garbage about it, but none who have graduated in recent years ever lived a day during the non-existent “global warming” hoax....

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The Other Cause of Terrorism

A classic example is Afghanistan where both the Soviet Union and the U.S. ran into such ingrained corruption that it undermined their objectives...

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Terrorists and Our Idiot President

You know something is terribly wrong when three former Secretaries of State, tell a Senate Armed Services Committee that the President of the United States is an idiot...

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Will New AG Support Civil Forfeiture Reform? Doubt It….

If the new Attorney General applies her enthusiasm for Civil Asset Forfeiture to the entire nation, it will be yet another Obama administration nightmare...

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An Auschwitz Anniversary

There was some serious irony when U.S. Secretary of Treasury Jack Lew gathered together with French President Francois Hollande and a Russian delegation led by Sergei Ivanov...

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Obama ad Nauseum

The best we can hope for is a Republican Party determined to rein in the EPA and other government agencies; the reason they were voted into office...

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The Blizzard That Wasn’t

Why, they asked, did the Governors of New York and New Jersey, along with the Mayor of New York City close down the metropolitan area?

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