Yet Another Mayor Resigns from Mayors Against Illegal Guns

Yet Another Mayor Resigns from Anti Gun Front Organization Mayors Against Illegal Guns
Mayor Ernest B. Wiggins (R) of Warsaw, IN is the most recent Mayor to resign from MAIG claiming he was duped by MAIG.

Warsaw, IN – -( On Wednesday Mayor Ernest B. Wiggins (R) resigned from Michael Bloomberg’s  gun banning anti gun group “Mayors Against Illegal Guns”.

Mayor Wiggens said,”Frankly, I don’t recall joining MAIG and I don’t remember if I responded to the e-mails when they ask me if I wanted to continue supporting them” Wiggins said. “All of a sudden I am a member of this organization, and frankly on the surface the organization sounds innocent, who’s not against illegal guns?”

Wiggins said he didn’t think too much about the e-mails until he received a phone call from a former classmate last week informing him that his name is being associated with the organization.

According to the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition Web site, there are more than 450 mayors from more than 40 states who have joined the coalition. The Web site is

Is your mayor a member MAIG? Click here to find out.

If your mayor is listed, contact the Mayor’s office and let them know the truth about MAIG and ask them to resign. If they say they are on the list in error, let them know they need to contact MAIG and have their name removed. If your mayor agrees that MAIG is not a group that he or she wants to belong to, encourage your mayor to resign. Help your mayor make the right choice between protecting our Second Amendment rights or continuing to be associated with those who actively oppose and undermine your firearms freedom.

Wiggins said he does not support taking away a person’s right to bear arms.

He said maybe a lack of his insight into what the organization was initially about on the surface sounded innocent at first.

“I’ll be honest when I say I don’t recall signing up for the coalition’s membership and obviously I didn’t realize what it was all about,” Wiggins said.

The fact that Mayors Against Illegal Guns continues to keep mayors on its membership list that have either been voted out of office or resigned has been discussed but the adding of Mayors without their direct consent it very troubling.

“I do respect local people who are members of the National Rifle Association who have asked me to remove my name from the membership, and I have done so,” Mayor Wiggins said.