Wyoming Gun Owners Turn Their Attention to Stand-Your-Ground Law

Stand Your Ground Law
Wyoming Gun Owners Turn Their Attention to Stand-Your-Ground Law

USA -(Ammoland.com)- As we prepare for the shortened 2018 legislative session, we are turning our attention to Stand-Your-Ground law.

You may recall that while Wyoming is a ‘Castle Doctrine’ state (meaning you have no obligation to retreat from an attacker in your own home) we are not a Stand-Your-Ground state.

This means that if you or your family is attacked in a public place, you are legally required to retreat before you can defend yourselves.

As preposterous as this sounds, it’s the law here in Wyoming, and gun owners have been prosecuted just this year over their failure to retreat from a criminal!

Stand-Your-Ground law would change all of that.

What’s more, this legislation is on the move all over the country with Iowa and Missouri having both enacted this legislation in just the past two years!

In addition to that, it’s on the move in Idaho, Minnesota, Ohio, and multiple other states.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that this will be an easy fight as the FAKE NEWS, the anti-gun lobby in Cheyenne, and sell-out moderates in the legislature will fight us at every step of the way.

That’s why I’m so happy to announce that Wyoming Gun Owners has secured a bill sponsor for the Stand-Your-Ground fight in Senator Anthony Bouchard!

(Pro-gun champion and State Senator Anthony Bouchard has agreed to sponsor our Stand-Your-Ground legislation in the upcoming 2018 legislative session.)

Longtime WyGo members will recognize the name of Senator Bouchard as the former Executive Director of Wyoming Gun Owners — a tireless fighter for the Second Amendment both inside and outside the legislature.

And in light of what gun owners experienced last session, with the legislature killing one pro-gun bill and the Governor vetoing the other, it’s obvious that we need a fighter to carry this legislation for us.

But while Senator Bouchard while be carrying the burden on the inside, it will be up to you and me to fire up grassroots gun owners on the outside!

No legislation moves in Cheyenne just because it’s the right thing to do, which is why the legislature and the Governor have blocked pro-gun legislation for six years.

It takes lots of grassroots pressure from incentivized gun owners, making sure that the legislature knows what we expect of them.

And with 2018 being an election year, the pressure will be even hotter in the Capitol as the legislature knows that they are going to have to face gun owners in the ballot box very soon!

Please help us ramp up the pressure for next session by:

  • Signing your petition calling on the legislature to enact Stand-Your-Ground law this session!
  • Renewing your membership in Wyoming Gun Owners, so we have the resources to fight within the upcoming session.
  • Contacting your legislators now, even before the session begins, to make sure they know that you expect them to pass Stand-Your-Ground law next session!

Gun rights run on momentum here in Wyoming.

We are either taking ground and securing our Second Amendment freedoms or we are losing ground.

It’s that simple.

You and I can sit back, hope for the best, and watch our state continue to turn into Colorado — and watch our gun rights suffer as a result.

Or we can stand and fight for the Second Amendment, and hold our elected officials accountable for what they do with Stand-Your-Ground law!

I hope you’ll continue to stand with us, to ensure that we protect our gun rights for our children and grand-children!

In the meantime, take a moment to thank Senator Bouchard for agreeing to carry this bill by sending him a message here.

For Freedom,

David Ball

P.S. When the 2018 legislative session gets underway in Cheyenne, Wyoming Gun Owners will be leading the charge for Stand-Your-Ground law.

This legislation, law in dozens of states, would simply remove your duty to retreat before you can defend yourself from a violent criminal.

I’m happy to announce with this email that pro-gun champion Senator Anthony Bouchard has agreed to carry this bill when the upcoming legislative session convenes!

Please take a moment to thank Senator Bouchard for standing up for the Second Amendment, by going here.