Write a gun review, get paid

Want to write a review about your favorite gun? How about your least favorite gun? Or, maybe just a gun you know a lot about? Let us know. Submit a review to Guns.com and if it meets our editorial standards we’ll pay you for it and publish it.

While our editorial staff will work with you on getting the review up to snuff, we’re not interested in teaching English 101. A publishable review is objectively written, has details that are thoroughly explored and critiques that are clearly explained.

To submit a review just attach it as a word doc or txt file to an email and send it to reviews@guns.com with the name of the gun plus REVIEW in the subject line (example: Remington 700 Review). In the body of the email give a quick description about yourself and the gun you reviewed, and also attach a picture or two of the gun, which we may or may not use (DO NOT ATTACH IMAGES IN THE DOCUMENT). Please send only one review per email, and if the article has been published before don’t bother sending it to us. Original content only.

Before you submit, make sure the review…

  • Is well written, meaning strangers will understand it when they read it
  • Lands somewhere between 500 to 1,500 words in length
  • Has a beginning, middle and end, and is organized by sections with section headings
  • Includes some kind of history or genesis of the gun (not you with the gun, just the gun)
  • Includes references or citations with proper attribution and a link to the source (if available)
  • Most importantly: Detail the performance of the gun, and explain any issues, concerns and/or results

If you have any questions about the basic requirements, check out any Guns.com review for examples.

An editor will be in touch if we’re interested in publishing the review, and when it’s accepted we’ll send out payment on the following week.

The post Write a gun review, get paid appeared first on Guns.com.