Woof! The working dogs of SHOT Show (PHOTOS)

With an estimated 65,000 firearms and hunting industry attendees, you knew there had to be a good collection of service and working K9s at SHOT 2017.

Welcome to SHOT SHow

Welcome to SHOT Show

Jean the Dog of Dynamis Alliance (Photo: Ben Philipi)

Jean the Dog of Dynamis Alliance (Photo: Ben Philipi)

Remember that eyepro. Safety first. (Photo: Daniel Terrill)

Remember that eyepro. Safety first. (Photo: Daniel Terrill)


Gentle giant

Gentle giant

This guy at United States Tactical was a total pro.

This guy at United States Tactical was a total pro.

So was this guy. Wouldn't react to anything.

So was this guy. Wouldn’t react to anything. It takes a special pooch to showcase the canine-centric gear.

ROK Straps made sure to include a furry companion on their bug out vehicle

ROK Straps made sure to include a furry companion on their bug out vehicle

This guy has your six

This guy has your six

The post Woof! The working dogs of SHOT Show (PHOTOS) appeared first on Guns.com.