Women’s March on NRA a Manipulated, Financed Exercise in Fabricated Rage

By David Codrea

Linda Sarsour leads the raging hijab-wearing jihadists for demanding infringements contingent. (Screenshot of video on Women’s March Twitter feed)
David Codrea in his natural habitat.

USA – -(Ammoland.com)- “The NRA Is Playing a Deadly Game in Labeling the Left as Violent,” (immigrant from Dubai and proud granddaughter of the founder of the Communist Party in India) Sonali Kolhatkar writes in Common Dreams (“Breaking news and views for the progressive community”). The purpose of her smear piece is to introduce her readers to the so-called “Women’s March on NRA,” a 17-mile trek from National Rifle Association headquarters in Fairfax, VA, to the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.

The tactics she employs are familiar ones – accusing people she opposes of that which the subversive left employs as standard operating procedure. That and to get some mileage over a fabricated fisting controversy.

MILMs (Moms I’d Like to Mock)

For those who haven’t heard about the march, how could you not have? The media, desperate to take a slap at NRA and Donald Trump (and to be showered with the respect and trust they feel they deserve), is pulling out all the stops to treat it like a watershed political event – instead of a misfit gathering of assorted frustrated harridans,  lunatic leftists, and cud-chewing useful idiot MILMs.

Just look at all the coverage.

Considering that, along with gun-grabber assurances that most of America is just begging for gun bans (if not for that mean old NRA  and racist, xenophobic and homophobic hick white men), you’d think the marcher numbers would appear more like an army than a fire drill.

It’s curious that a focus of the marcher’s wrath is on a woman, Dana Loesch.  Indeed, economist and author John Lott observes that significant numbers of women own guns and even voted for Donald Trump. But that, of course, can be no more tolerated than a black Republican, and anyone daring to defect from groupthink needs to be vilified. So it would more accurately be described as the Manipulated Leftist Women’s March. Left unstated is who is doing the manipulation and why.

It’s also curious how supportive the marchers are of Philando Castile, seeing that the concealed carrier was killed by a police officer (unjustly, some of us thought, and who also thought NRA should have exhibited leadership). Just don’t be fooled by the deception that what they want is for NRA to “equally defend the Second Amendment rights of all people.” To Women’s March co-chair Tamika Mallory that equates to stronger gun owner controls over everybody (and wait until you read her back story). And don’t look for the marchers to reconcile undermining the true egalitarian power sharing only possible through an armed citizenry and then demanding laws to ensure police are the “only ones” bearing arms.

A slogan that guarantees no one will be safe.

It would also be remiss to not mention the disconnect between stated goals of “feminists” and the fact that they’re being led by Linda Sarsour, a daughter of Palestinian immigrants and promoter of non-assimilation and jihad who has attacked a survivor of Islamist female genital mutilation. This is who wants you disarmed.

In order to do that, they’ll make up all kinds of accusations to brand you as a hater, and to therefore somehow delegitimize your entitlement to rights. And of course, to transfer power back to the Democrats so the agenda of citizen disarmament and cultural terraforming can be resumed (you’d think NRA would finally get that and stop hiding behind a “single issue” deflection that enables it).

If you really want to make the gals howl in self-righteous rage, just show them what you’re trying to prevent (after reading appropriate caveats) and what they’re all but guaranteeing if they get their way. You’d think the evil that’s being enabled would be well understood by one of the main Women’s March backers:

George Soros
Follow the money.

“Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 ‘partners’ of the Women’s March on Washington What is the link between one of Hillary Clinton’s largest donors and the Women’s March? Turns out, it’s quite significant.”

Who thinks he doesn’t understand it well?

And who’s up for some “common sense gun safety laws”? After all, no one’s talking about taking your guns!

Are they?

Follow the lunacy by keeping up with developments via the Women’s March Twitter feed.

UPDATE: And they have armed security!

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.