A road rage incident in La Porte, Texas, earlier this month was caught on cell phone video and now the woman involved, who appeared to pull a gun, is facing charges.
Authorities say Amanda Downs, 25, confessed to not only the Aug. 2 incident, but another road rage incident in July. She is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
But, as it turned out, the weapon wasn’t actually a gun, but rather a novelty knife case shaped like a gun. Nonetheless, Jacob McNeil, who had the “weapon” aimed at him in Downs’ most recent case of road rage, said the fear he and his father felt was real.
McNeil was asleep in the passenger’s seat of his father’s truck when he was awakened by his dad.
“I wake up to some guy basically trying to knock us off the road. It turned out to be a woman,” McNeil noted. “He throws me the phone and he says, ‘record.’ I start recording. As soon as I do, she comes past with her hand out the window, holding that gun, pointing it at us, and brake checks us. Then she pulled over to the shoulder off that road.”
McNeil and his father took the cell phone video to the police so they could “handle it correctly,” and authorities immediately recognized Downs from the July incident.
Authorities urge drivers to “not engage” in cases of road rage.
[ ABC 13 ]
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