‘Woke’ Mob Attacks North Carolina Youth Group Over Gun Raffle

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South Carolina – -(AmmoLand.com)- The “woke” mob is once again voicing its intolerance, this time over a western North Carolina youth group holding an AR-15 rifle raffle to raise money.

The East Henderson Youth Football and Cheerleading (EHYFC) team in East Flat Rock, North Carolina, is holding a raffle to buy equipment.

Said an organization representative: “The use of the field, stadium, and facilities are not free, the lost uniforms, mouthpieces, chin straps, ear pads, bows, and socks are not free … Equipment is not free, the insurance is not free, and all the other fees the league must pay are not imaginary.”

2022 EHYFC Youth Football and Cheerleading AR15 Raffle

2022 EHYFC Youth Football and Cheerleading AR15 Raffle
2022 EHYFC Youth Football and Cheerleading AR15 Raffle

But of course, that isn’t good enough for the left, which quickly trolled the team’s Facebook page with comments like:

“So proud (not!) to live in NC.” Another woman wrote on Facebook, “Sad, I can’t imagin [sic] with all the school shootings and with children … bad .” Another posted, “It’s disgusting and deplorable.”

And leave it to the leftist media to pile on as the McClatchy “news” picked up the story, attempting to further shame a group simply trying to provide sports and character-building opportunities for kids.

So let’s help these kids out, shall we? Forward this alert far and wide, and let’s make this raffle go viral.

Immediate Action Required

Buy tickets: On Venmo: @EHYFC, Paypal: @EHYFCEagles, or by email: ehyfceagles@gmail.com

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About Grass Roots North Carolina:

Grass Roots North Carolina is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to preserving the freedoms guaranteed to us by the Bill of Rights. Our main focus is the right to keep and bear arms. GRNC was central to drafting and passing North Carolina’s concealed handgun law and, since that time, has continued to push for improvements to gun laws.

For more information, visit www.grnc.org.

Grass Roots North Carolina