By JJ Sutton
Witt Machine builds the first ever Integrally Suppressed Ruger Precision Rifle .
USA – -( First to do it again…. Witt Machine & Tool has just announced they have broke ground and designed the first aftermarket Integrally Suppressed Barrel System for the Ruger Precision Rifle and it is crazy quiet!
Witt Machine & Tool two years ago was told they could not suppress a M1919… but they did and that was publicly enjoyed at SHOT Show 2016 live fire event. Known also for their true Integrally Suppressed AR15 uppers that used 16” barrels and now a quieter integrated version with a pinned monocore; Witt Machine has been doing some suppression magic well under most people’s radar. With no exception – this NEW project of Integrally Suppressing a Ruger Precision Rifle is pretty impressive.
Witt Machine has wanted to try and integrally suppress a bolt action rifle for a while. They wanted to do something similar to the Integrally Suppressed AR design but had a few new ideas that would also allow for the longer range accuracy desired in bolt rifles. The Ruger Precision Rifle seemed like a great choice because it will easily accept the AR-15 15” HexGuard Handguard design used with their Integrally Suppressed AR Uppers. A quick call to good friends at Machine Gun Tours and Alan Samuel found them a test rifle… Machine Gun Tours has the largest inventory of NEW Rifles, Full Autos, or anything suppressed in the State of Colorado and all the Rocky Mountains.
The prototype and proof of concept was done using a Ruger Precision Rifle that came with a 20” factory barrel. Finished the overall barrel length comes in at 28”. The design is absolutely going to be pirated so why hide it Witt Machine says. The credit for leading the pack will be ours but people will pirate this design immediately. But let’s get the first detailed look at what is going on here.
The rifle was completely disassembled. First, the barrel gets a little exterior modification and the taper is brought to a consistent diameter to allow for the seating / sealing Rear Barrel Ring to fit. Then an interesting stainless steel monocore is added and pinned to the barrel. The end cap affixes into the Monocore and secures the entire system and titanium suppression sleeve to the barrel so it is rigid and wont shift. An aftermarket AR-15 Hand guard was added so that it would accommodate the larger inside diameter of the suppression system. There would be no changes to impact from the suppression system if disassembled for cleaning because of this design.
Testing was simple.
- 1st…. Brand NEW out of the box Ruger Precision Rifle – never fired.
- 2nd…. Installed the suppression system and reassembled it all.
- 3rd… First test was using a Chronograph to check the resulting velocities against charted velocities of premium quality factory ammunition. From the 20” factory barrel there should have been approximately 100+ fps velocity loss (some say as high as 200fps even). But there is also a known bump to come from suppressors…. A NET result was that there was ONLY 13 fps difference in what the velocity data on the factory chart was and our real results in test fires using a suppressed 20” barrel.
- 4th… Then a short road trip to the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, NM was in order for some accuracy testing. Right out of the box a 25yd Zero was done, straight to a 200yd Zero, and then straight to the 1,123 yard White Steel Buffalo the Center is known for as their Long Range target. NO CLEANING, Seasoning, or secret voodoo sauce was sprinkled in – straight out of the box results were very impressive.
We attempted an outside open environment Db test but right now in Colorado the wind is howling and the wind chill is brutal… our initial 3 shot average using a Digital Firearms Decimal Reader was 130.2db
Here is what we know…
The Ruger Precision Rifle – right out of the box can shoot. An Integrally Suppressed Ruger Precision Rifle – right out of the box can shoot very well!
We also know this Integrally Suppressed Ruger Precision Rifle from Witt Machine & Tool is absolutely 100% – Sweet as American Made Apple Pie.
We know the factory 20” barrel will stretch good consistent hits out to 1,123 yards easily. I personally put 4 out of 5 rounds on the 10” steel plate on the Buffalo at 1,123 yards and that other round still was a hit on the buffalo not far off the 10” plate! I watched 3 other shooters get consistent regular and repeated hits at 1,123 yards too.
We know this is the first Integrally Suppressed Ruger Precision Rifle we have seen and it is a radically cool set up and very accurate.
The last thing we know is this – when it comes time to get these into production…. They are going to be in high demand. Rightly so; anyone who has a Ruger Precision Rifle is going to want the Integrally Suppressed Barrel Upgrade and anyone considering the purchase of a Ruger Precision Rifle had might well make it an Integrally Suppressed one.
Witt Machine & Tool asks for some patience and to keep a look out for announcements on the production information of when these rifles and barrel upgrades will become available and where they can be purchased…. Witt Machine does not sell firearms or NFA items directly to consumers without a transfer to a FFL or SOT Dealer.
Once again Witt Machine & Tool goes on the map… this small little machine shop in remote south central Colorado has designed a great product and tested the impossible. It appears there will be some time setting up the logistics on this and figuring out who to work with on improved aftermarket barrels as well as who to work with on new factory rifles. They don’t expect to be seeing production of this design until mid-2017 so stay tuned for those announcements. Meanwhile check out these Videos of the prototype and proof of concept rifle being shot during their testing.
Witt Machine Integrally Suppressed Ruger Precision Rifle Videos
About Witt Machine
Ken Wittekiend served 10+ years in the United States Marine Corps with multiple deployments to the Middle East. While stationed in Hawaii he was a marksmanship instructor and shot competitively. After the Marine Corps he attended the Precision Machining program at TSJC in Alamosa, Colorado. After working as a machinist for several years he started Witt Machine & Tool Co.