Wisconsin’s New Governor Declares War on Your Gun Rights

Tony Evers Wins Wisconsin Governor’s Race
Tony Evers Wins Wisconsin Governor’s Race

Wisconsin – -(AmmoLand.com)- As you now know, Wisconsin has a new Governor in Tony Evers, and he is even more hostile to gun rights than the outgoing one.

Early yesterday morning, Democrat Tony Evers edged out Scott Walker in the Wisconsin governor’s race, while state republicans kept control of the assembly and state senate.

Tony Evers has said he will make it harder for people to get concealed carry permits and, like Scott Walker, opposes Constitutional Carry.

But what really worries me is Evers’ wishlist for gun control in Wisconsin:

  • Universal background checks (total control to deny you your right to purchase guns for any reason they invent)
  • State registry of firearms (gun owner registration list)
  • Ban on certain accessories like bump stocks and so-called “high-capacity” mags (“Evers Calls For Tougher Gun Laws In Wisconsin” wpr.org)

“I think we have to be pragmatic here, we have to start someplace,” Evers said. “We’ve had young people all across the country, people in high schools, saying, ‘Enough is enough, the adults have to stand up and do something.'”

“Do something.”

Those two chilling words have become code speak for, “Take the guns.”

Here’s the problem. Many gun owners will wrongly assume that a republican assembly and state senate will keep Evers’ extreme gun ban measures from reaching his desk.

If you believe that, I have a house to sell you.

You can bet that following the next “tragedy” Evers will push the state legislature to “do something,” and will label his extreme gun controls “reasonable restrictions.”

And that’s when republicans will cave and go along with public pressure.

Unless … UNLESS you and I and thousands of other WGO activists around Wisconsin keep republicans from selling out and compromising.

The greatest danger to our gun rights is right now.

It’s the perfect storm – a rabid anti-gun Governor and a legislature willing to sell you out in order to appear “reasonable.”

We’ll lose even more gun rights this session gradually … incrementally … and once a statewide registry of gun owners is in place, the next logical step will be (and always has been) gun confiscation.

Please take this threat seriously.

If your WGO membership is NOT active: Please join now. There is strength in numbers and we need your help now like never before. When you join, we’ll rush your NO COMPROMISE GUN RIGHTS PLEDGE in the mail.

Because the stakes are so high and we need you in the fight, we’ve reduced our membership levels:

Don’t be duped. Your gun rights are now on the chopping block. Please take action now.

Corey Graff
Executive Director

Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc.
PO Box 329
Waupaca, WI 54981

Wisconsin Gun Owners

About Wisconsin Gun Owners:

WGO works for grassroots gun owners, not politicians. While many gun lobbies fight for “reasonable gun control,” WGO sets a higher standard: Defining the terrain of pro-gun political battle. Sure, many groups claim they’re “pro-gun” – all the while they provide cover for anti-gun deals cut by politicians – but only WGO truly informs gun owners, remaining committed to a 100% pro-gun position. We oppose all gun control – regardless of the political party – and work tirelessly to restore the Second Amendment. Visit www.wisconsingunowners.org