Wilson Combat, renowned for its high-quality high-end 1911s, introduced the Carry Comp Professional, chambered in 9mm/.39 Super and .45 ACP.
The Carry Comp model was developed to offer shooters improved weapon control without the added bulk or weight. Wilson Combat says the design is based on the similar technology used in the company’s ACCU-COMP competition pistol model created in the 1980s to reduce muzzle flip and minimize recoil.
The new Carry Comp Professional boasts a 4-inch length match-grade barrel, including a 1/2-inch muzzle extension that houses the compensation port. Overall length measures at just over 8 inches. The gun weighs 40.5 ounces empty, but ships with a magazine capacity of 8 rounds. Built on the professional-sized carbon steel frame, the 1911 touts 30LPI front strap checkering.
Wilson says the gun is accuracy-guaranteed to shoot 1.5-inch groups at 25 yards.
Base price on the 9mm/.38 Super model totals $3,310 while the .45 ACP version is priced at $3,200.
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