IOWA – -( Fellow Iowans and supporters,
Election season is here, and time is short and talk is cheap.
We hear all the time about how much Iowans value their Second Amendment rights, but now is the time to prove it: We’re fighting to change the landscape of Iowa’s legislature and we need your help. Iowa is just a few short weeks from an important election and we need volunteers to help critical campaigns for the state legislature across Iowa.
So if you mean it when you say you’ll stand and fight for your rights, then CLICK HERE. We’ve created a simple process that’ll help you take an active role in this fight, and better yet, get more people involved. It’s easy to talk the talk, but now’s the time to walk the walk.
Here’s why you’re needed:
In the last five years the Iowa Firearms Coalition has worked to get solid, pro-gun bills passed–and we’ve been extremely successful in the state House of Representatives. There, we’ve had bills pass that would amend the state constitution to include a “right to keep and bear arms” clause that would protect you from gun ban legislation. The House has passed a “Stand Your Ground” bill, and our bill to legalize firearm suppressors passed overwhelmingly last session as well. We’ve even seen passed a bill that would make it illegal for the media to publicly share your information as a gun owner. But despite all this success in the House, there’s one constant roadblock keeping these bills from being signed into law: the Democrat controlled Iowa Senate.
So if you want any of these bills to pass and become law, you must help us.
ONE anti-gun senator, Democrat Rob Hogg, has blocked EVERY SINGLE BILL listed above. The Democrats currently hold a miniscule 26-24 majority in the Senate. As the majority party, these legislators pick who chairs each committee, and they continue to select Senator Hogg to chair the Senate Judiciary Committee–the very committee most IFC sponsored bills get assigned to. As chair of the Judiciary Committee, Senator Hogg gets to pick and choose which bills get worked on, and which ones will get left to die…We’ll give you one guess which bills have never made it out of his committee.
Last session, the bill to legalize suppressors passed through the House with over 80% support from both Republicans and Democrats. When it arrived on Hogg’s desk he had the audacity to say that no “gun issue is so urgent and compelling that it requires action this legislative session.” And just like that another pro-gun bill failed to see any action.
We must bounce Hogg and those enabling him from power to get anything done. The good news is, we only need to flip a couple Senate seats from Democrat control to Republican in order to keep Hogg from being Judiciary chair again, and in the process kick him off his high horse. That’s why we’re rolling out our election plans. That’s why we need your help!
We need Iowans who actually mean it when they say they’re willing to take a stand to protect their rights. If you truly value your natural, constitutionally protected rights, JOIN THE FIGHT as we fight to change the landscape of the Iowa Legislature.
It’s time to TAKE ACTION. We’re not asking for money, we just want you to help us take a stand. CLICK HERE to get involved and make a real change in Iowa.
Fighting for your Second Amendment rights in Iowa,Barry B. Snell
IFC Communications Director
About Iowa Firearms Coalition:
The mission of the Iowa Firearms Coalition is to be THE firearms rights organization in Iowa, representing Second Amendment concerns for all firearms owners in the state. We will staunchly defend the rights of hunters and sportsmen as well as the rights of all Iowans to defend themselves and their loved ones. We seek to partner with other like-minded organizations to increase our effectiveness in accomplishing these goals. Visit: