Will Accusation of Child Sexual Abuse ‘Snuff Out’ Michael Pfleger?

Fists against violence: Pfleger and teenage fanboy David Hogg captured in a moment of mutual admiration… (Father Michael Pfleger / Facebook)

U.S.A. – -(Ammoland.com)- “Prominent Chicago priest Father Michael Pfleger has been asked to step away from ministry following a decades-old child sexual abuse allegation, the Archdiocese of Chicago announced Tuesday,” WGN9 reports. “According to a letter sent from Cardinal Blase Cupich to the St. Sabina community, Father Pfleger has been accused of sexual abuse of a minor from more than 40 years ago.”

Short on details and but long on giving Pfleger the benefit of the doubt, the Archdiocese says it has “offered the services of our Victim Assistance Ministry” to  “the person making the allegation.” For its part, The Faith Community of St. Sabina declares “[W]e believe that our Sr. Pastor will be fully exonerated from all accusations and we will stand with him during this process…”

In a Facebook post, Pfleger says he is “devastated, hurt, and yes, angry.”

It’s important to note, as the Archdiocese points out, that “Allegations are claims that have not been proven as true or false. Therefore, guilt or innocence should not be assumed.”

While that’s true enough, it’s curious that creatures of the left only play that card when it works in their favor. A case in point is the “Believe Women” movement, the doctrine demands that accusers are always victims and never lie, a tactic notoriously used in an attempt to sabotage the Supreme Court nomination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Somehow, though, when multiple accusers came out against Joe Biden, the rules changed, and the alleged victim became a target for disbelief and ridicule.

The hypocrisy is further highlighted by all the citizen disarmament scams pushed by Pfleger and his fellow gun-grabbers throughout the years. What are “background checks” or permits but demands that citizens must prove their innocence before being permitted to exercise an unalienable right? What are so-called “red flag laws” but assumptions of guilt where proof of innocence is required? What are gun bans or carry bans but declarations that citizens are not trusted because they might do something bad?

And note Pfleger wasn’t exactly consumed with concern for innocence and due process when he urged a mob to “snuff out” a gun store owner who had committed no crimes.

That’s why I have taken to referring to him as “Snuffy” on my WarOnGuns blog, where we also find he and his supporters also take a one-sided approach on things like IRS tax exemptions while attempting to influence legislation. As long as we’re getting worked up about his rights, what about his concern for the rights of citizens to engage in commerce and travel freely without having him physically impeding their going about their business? And as long as we’re talking hypocrisy, we still haven’t heard much from him besides distancing and denial about his “bodyguard” being busted for illegally carrying a gun.

By all means, give Pfleger the same consideration you would want to be given yourself if someone accused you of doing something heinous. Just know that those now leaping to his defense would not be so inclined to give us the same support, and would be among the loudest jeering voices in the lynch mob.

And it’s not out of line to consider one other thing if it turns out the accuser is not lying: Does anyone know what the odds are that someone who was molesting a child 40 years ago, and getting away with it, would suddenly stop cold and not continue doing it?

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea