Wilderness Athlete Reminds Hunters to Stock Up on Altitude Advantage

Wilderness Athlete HY-Altitude Advantage Kit
Wilderness Athlete HY-Altitude Advantage Kit
Wilderness Athlete
Wilderness Athlete

Phoenix, AZ –-(Ammoland.com)- Wilderness Athlete would like to remind all hunters who hunt in the high country that now is a great time to stock up on Altitude Advantage.

Altitude Advantage is a herbal/nutrient formula that, when taken properly, helps hunters process oxygen more efficiently while in the high country*. It also helps hunters rebound more quickly and effectively from the harsh effects of being at higher altitudes.

Many eastern hunters are not adequately prepared for the challenges of higher elevations before heading out west to hunt in the mountains and Altitude Sickness often results. Altitude Sickness, also known as AMS, can affect hunters in a variety of ways: vomiting, heavy breathing, horrible headaches and cold sweats. Eastern hunters can do several things to prepare for western hunting including lifting weights, hiking with a pack on their back and running. However, they simply cannot prepare for AMS. “Acute Mountain Sickness can bring hunters who are in great shape to their knees. In extreme cases of AMS, hunters will have to stop hunting for a few days or even go home early,” Mark Paulsen, Founder of Wilderness Athlete noted.

The oxygen level is 21% at sea level and is the same at high altitudes. However, at sea level, the barometric pressure is 760 mmHg while at 12,000 feet, the barometric pressure is 480 mmHg. Therefore, there are 40% fewer oxygen molecules taken in per breath. At high elevations, the soft tissues of the brain and lungs begin to swell. High altitude and low air pressure causes fluid to leak from the small blood-transporting capillaries, which results in this swelling. Dehydration usually sets in as well.

Altitude Advantage is made from a variety of scientifically-validated nutrients and herbs including Ginkgo, Reishi and Golden Root. These herbs can help modulate blood flow through arteries and capillaries and support the ability of blood cells to carry oxygen. These effects increase the body’s ability to utilize the oxygen we are breathing. The product reduces fatigue, decreases lactic acid build up, and normalizes circulation. The formula is a dream come true for eastern hunters hunting in the West.

For maximum results, Altitude Advantage should be taken at least five days before a hunt, giving the body a head start on preparing for the challenge of high elevation, and thereby reducing the time it takes to acclimate those altitudes.

Altitude Advantage is one of many fine products offered by Wilderness Athlete. To learn more about Wilderness Athlete, visit WildernessAthlete.com