USA – -( Mark Paulsen, Founder of Wilderness Athlete, was the first person to bring outdoor performance nutrition to the hunting and outdoor market over ten years ago.
Today, Paulsen and the Wilderness Athlete Science, Research and Formulations Board, continue to be The Authority on Outdoor Performance Nutrition.
Wilderness Athlete, the category creator in outdoor performance nutrition, has brought numerous powders to the outdoor market in recent years and although many companies offer premixed products that are ready to drink, Wilderness Athlete doesn’t offer premixed solutions.
Why? Because these products quickly lose their potency. Mark Paulsen explains why there is “Power in the Powder.”
“Anytime a nutrient, whether it’s an herb, mineral, vitamin, or amino acid, is placed in solution, it immediately begins to degrade and lose its potency. Actually, from the day that any raw material is manufactured, it begins to breakdown and the process of oxidation begins.”
“For example, Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and at Wilderness Athlete, we put 1000 milligrams of Vitamin C in every serving of our Hydrate and Recover product. That same Vitamin C placed in solution/water and placed on a shelf for an extended period of time would deteriorate quickly and its value would be greatly compromised,” Paulsen explained.
“By placing any raw material in water or any solution, the process of breaking down is accelerated. It’s noteworthy that any raw material or formulation once in solution has a very finite life, while our Wilderness Athlete powders retain their potency for up to four years. It would be even more problematic for Wilderness Athlete to premix our products in solution, over the already stated case, for the simple reason that with multiple compounds comes even faster breakdown. By simply reading our labels, you can see that we use rather complex formulations with multiple compounds. It is these multiple compounds that give Wilderness Athlete products such a pronounced effect. It is also important to note that at Wilderness Athlete, we use many natural flavors to make our products healthy and palatable. These natural flavors would also lose their potency and turn bland if they were to be premixed and marketed in solution. So whether you are mixing a Wilderness Athlete product on your kitchen counter or in the middle of the wilderness, add your own water and enjoy all the benefits they bring to your health and performance. The power, potency and palatability of Wilderness Athlete products lies in the Powder.” Mark Paulsen, Founder of Wilderness Athlete added.
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The Wilderness Athlete Science, Research, and Formulations Board formulates a wide array of nutritional products for those who enjoy the outdoor lifestyle including Energy & Focus, Hydrate & Recover, Protein Plus and Meal Replacement and Recover Shakes. To learn more about the amazing product line Wilderness Athlete offers, visit