Why We Are Offended by Obama & Clinton Corruption

U.S.A. -(Ammoland.com)-  There was a time when kings ruled their subjects. We reject that idea today, but we remained influenced by our history. That is why we are so repelled by the obvious corruption of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Our disgust today is divinely inspired from an ancient tradition.

Obama and Hillary Clinton
Obama and Hillary Clinton

We can look back in history to a time when only kings had rights. The rest of us were “subject” to the king’s commands. That idea was slowly replaced by the Judeo-Christian ethic. Those new religious beliefs said our life and our rights come from God. That revolutionary idea held that each of us contains a spark of divinity, that we are made in God’s image. That changed everything.

For one, it meant the eventual end to slavery since one child of God shouldn’t enslave another. It also expanded the rule of law to cover everyone. Each of us contains a divine spark, and all of us are equal under the law since all of us have rights.

No one is above the law, no matter how powerful or wealthy they may be.

Over the years, the Christian churches have made a lot of enemies by telling people in power to behave.  From the Roman Emperor (who wanted to be treated as a divinity,) down to today’s hedonists (who want sex without the responsibility of babies,) Christianity offends the elites.

Saint John Chrysostom confronting Empress Aelia Eudoxia in approximately 400 AD

Kings are limited today. We don’t have royalty here in the US, though we have some political dynasties which are above the law. Those extra-legal privileges offend our fundamental sense of justice.

  • Eric Holder, Obama’s attorney general, broke the law by deliberately sending guns to Mexican drug lords and ignoring a contempt of Congress charge with impunity.
  • Obama lied about Obamacare.
  • Obama turned the IRS and the FBI into political instruments used against honest ordinary citizens to advance Obama’s political ends.
  • Obama bribed the Iranian mullahs with billions in US cash.
  • Obama lied about EPA regulations and “shovel ready jobs”. Both were political kickback schemes.
  • The Clintons skimmed millions of dollars from the charity relief efforts after the earthquake in Haiti.
  • The Clintons ran a pay-to-do-business scheme through the US State Department.
  • Hillary Clinton used private email accounts and her own insecure computer server to keep her communications separate from government IT systems, that were hacked by enemy agents.
  • Bill Clinton promised the US Attorney General that she would be nominated for a seat on the US Supreme Court as long as Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted.

We’re offended that there is one set of rules for us common subjects, and another set of rules for the elites. We’re disgusted that our senior law enforcement officials [ including apparently our current Attorney General ] go along with this corruption.

You’re right. These actions are unjust and illegal. Stay offended. It is part of a noble tradition.

Slow FactsAbout Rob Morse

The original article is here.  Rob Morse writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Clash Daily, and on his SlowFacts blog. He hosts the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast. Rob is an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.