Why Wait? Buy Your 2011 Michigan Hunting and Fishing Licenses Now
Michigan –-(Ammoland.com)- The Department of Natural Resources reminds Michigan residents that hunting and fishing licenses for 2011 are now on sale at license retailers statewide and online at the DNR website at www.michigan.gov/dnr.
Hunters who want to try turkey hunting this spring are encouraged to purchase a leftover license for Hunt 234.
This hunt includes all areas of the state open to spring turkey hunting, except the public lands of southern Michigan, and extends from May 2-31. Hunt No. 234 licenses can be purchased through May 1.
Sportsmen and women who purchase four licenses — a turkey, deer, fish and small game — receive a 15 percent discount.
Anglers are reminded that Michigan now offers a three-day license, which is particularly beneficial for three-day holiday weekends, said DNR Director Rodney Stokes. A three-day fishing license is $21 for both residents and non-residents and only $9 for seniors.
Anyone 17 and older who wants to fish is required to purchase a license. Youth anglers can purchase a voluntary license for $2 (plus an additional $1 for a DNR Sportscard). Stokes said for a small investment of $2, Michigan gets a big return.
“For every license we sell, we receive about $9 back in federal funding from the Pittman Robertson Act (for game species management) or the Dingell-Johnson Act (for fisheries management),” Stokes said. “The voluntary youth license is a great investment for fisheries management in our state, and it conveys to youth anglers their important role in conservation in Michigan.”
License prices in Michigan remain unchanged from 2010.
“Hunting and fishing is an important part of Michigan’s heritage,” Stokes said. “Our work in natural resource management at the DNR would not be possible without the support of Michigan residents and visitors who purchase hunting and fishing licenses.”
For more information on Michigan hunting or fishing, go to the DNR’s website at www.michigan.gov/dnr.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to www.michigan.gov/dnr.