Why Democrats Want to Forget: Shhh, Don’t Tell Them It Was Us All Along

by Mark Walters,

The Inconvenient Truth About The Democratic Party
The Inconvenient Truth About The Democratic Party
Mark Walters
Mark Walters

U.S.A.-(Ammoland.com)- Something awful is occurring across the country as the mainstream media and Democrat/Socialist party continue their unhinged assault on American values including our constitutional right to free speech, our heritage, and our history. But why are they doing this? Why are “today’s” Democrats so hell bent on the destruction of our nation’s history and our rights? To be sure, our history as a country is complicated, history always is, but in this case, it’s not too difficult to figure out if we look at some of the histories they are trying to eradicate.

Understand that the assault on anything to do with the Confederacy, now manifesting itself with continued cries to tear down monuments in cities and states across the nation is growing louder from the leftist media and the Democrat party. They will tell you the monuments have no place in our streets and cities, that generals names and likenesses must be ripped from public view and placed in museums where they belong and street names, school names, etc., must be changed.

Why? Because by doing so, today’s Democrat party can once and for all eliminate their despicable history. They don’t want you to know that the history they are attempting to rewrite is the history of their party. They will never teach it in schools and if successful, future generations of Americans will never know that the Democrat party itself is the party of racism, slavery, (disarming blacks) and secession. Yeah, that’s a pretty inconvenient truth they would rather keep you from knowing. Easier just to rewrite the history books than admit it was them in the first place.

Can it get any scarier than that? Yup. When it comes to the violent and agitated left, it can always get scarier. In this case, I’m not seeing enough outcry over the recent email blasts from Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety run by one of America’s most prolific liars, Shannon R. Watts, a.k.a. The Pied Piper of Bloomberg, a.k.a The mother of Orange Clad Dragons. Don’t forget that the leftist media are now working overtime to destroy the presidency, free speech rights and the reputations or anyone who disagrees with them, is also part of the militant gun control movement. Today they are making you out as a racist if you’re a gun owner. More of us in this camp need to be exposing this.

Combined, these are mighty forces (media and Bloomberg’s wallet), and as of late, Shannon and her obnoxious boss, former NYC mayor and multi-billionaire Michael Bloomberg are now playing the vile race card against us.

From the most recent email blast brought to you by Watts and Company and delivered directly to my email box on Wednesday:


When it comes to supporting or opposing white supremacy, there are no two “sides” to the discussion. There’s right, and there’s wrong, plain and simple. The racist, hate-fueled attack in Charlottesville was not an isolated incident. Documented hate crimes have become increasingly frequent over the past year.

Now the NRA has seized on the rise in bigotry by broadcasting their dangerous armed-at-all-times rhetoric with overtones of racial violence.

We cannot let the NRA’s dangerous agenda go unchecked. They were Trump’s largest campaign donor, and their tacit support of white supremacist groups leaves no doubt as to the NRA’s true priorities.

The normalization of hateful fringe groups has been helped along by “acceptable” groups like the NRA for too long. We can no longer allow armed mobs to hide behind the First and Second Amendments. In 45 states it is legal for civilians to openly carry loaded, semiautomatic rifles in public – and in 41 of those states, a person can openly carry without a permit or safety training.

White supremacists have long embraced open carry and the use of guns as a method of intimidation to suppress the Constitutional rights of others. The gun lobby, which once called open carry demonstrations “scary,” has now come to support it, along with a divisive, race-baiting worldview that fuels extremism.

Another email from Tuesday was just as vile and offensive, of course, linking you with racist, white supremacist organizations with the “not so” veiled correlation of white supremacist equals gun owner. In that email, they coined yet another new phrase by linking open carry to racism as “the open carry loophole.” This rhetoric by the anti-gun establishment combined with the 24-hour drumbeat coming from the mainstream fake news is not going to stop. Yes, they will eventually move on to other headlines when they tire of this phony news story, but they are already planning their next assault.

I would never normally do this so far out from a presidential election, but I’m going to make a prediction here and now. The louder the angry left becomes, the more violently the left acts out and the more they viciously attack President Trump, they are guaranteeing his reelection in 2020. Law-abiding Americans consisting of millions upon millions of gun owners and freedom lovers, fed up with this hateful media and lies from the prohibitionists will propel Trump to victory in 2020.

Take it to the bank.

About Mark Walters

Mark Walters is the host of two nationally syndicated radio broadcasts, Armed American Radio and Armed American Radio’s Daily Defense with Mark Walters. He is the Second Amendment Foundations 2015 Gun Rights Defender of the Year award recipient and co-author of two books, Lessons from Armed America with Kathy Jackson (Whitefeather Press) and Lessons from UnArmed America with Rob Pincus (Whitefeather Press)