Whitetails Unlimited Urges Hunters to Donate Venison to Food Pantries
Enjoy your hunt, provide high-quality meat to the needy, AND help wildlife managers meet their goals!
Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin--(AmmoLand.com)- Whitetails Unlimited has been a longtime supporter of hunter donations to food pantries and has been instrumental in both financing and expanding programs in many states.
This hunting season WTU again encourages hunters to donate venison they cannot use personally to food pantries in their area.
“Being able to donate venison has never been easier,” said WTU Executive Director Pete Gerl. “Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry has a great website (www.fhfh.org) so you can easily locate programs and processing operations in your area. The NRA’s website also has a comprehensive list of food pantries across the country.
” Just visit www.nrahq.org/hunting/hungry_nat_list.asp for the list.
“These websites provide you with drop off locations, times, and information on how to handle the deer in a manner that makes it easy for the program to process. In most cases, there is no cost to the hunter to participate.”
Whitetails Unlimited and local WTU chapters have financially supported numerous programs over the years, and continue to expand new programs. “These programs provide a valuable service to the communities, and are an easy way for hunters to help out while they enjoy their sport,” said Gerl. Hunters who want to financially support their local, regional, or state program can make donations at any time during the year by contacting the local program office.
“This economy has made it even more important for sportsmen and women to support local food pantries,” said Gerl. “Donations of venison can really help them out.” Gerl noted that in most parts of the country, whitetail populations are at an all-time high and deer tags have never been more generous.
Harvesting an extra deer for a local food pantry makes sense when you realize you are helping both your local community and wildlife conservation.
“If you get your deer early in the season and still want to hunt, taking another deer to donate to a food pantry is a great way to continue your season,” stated Gerl.
Founded in 1982, Whitetails Unlimited is a national nonprofit conservation organization. Our mission is to raise funds in support of education, habitat enhancement and acquisition, and the preservation of the hunting tradition for the benefit of the white-tailed deer and other wildlife. When it comes to the whitetail and its environment, WTU’s degree of professionalism and dedication has earned us the reputation of being the nation’s premier whitetail organization.