When Hunting Happens, Conservation Happens

Hunting IS conservation in practice
When Hunting Happens, Conservation Happens
Boone and Crockett Club
Boone and Crockett Club

MISSOULA, Mont.--(Ammoland.com)- The Boone and Crockett Club has stood guard over our sporting way of life, North America’s wildlife, and the habitats that support them for 125 years.

No conservation organization can say it has been upholding its mission for as long, and we believe our long history is a defining characteristic of our success.

With your support, the Club has been a powerful voice for the hunter-conservationist on a wide range of issues that affect what we all care about the most. When Theodore Roosevelt and other visionaries founded the Club, sportsmen were many, game was scarce, and other natural resources were being plundered without regard for the future.

The Club, its members, and their allies changed all that.

As we enter into a new year, the Boone and Crockett Club needs your support as much as ever. The challenges we face today are many, but if I had to narrow it down to one above all else it would be the continued public acceptance of recreational hunting. We know that in a democratic society, we are hunting today because the majority of citizens still approve of legal hunting, which means everything we believe in remains – wildlife and their habitats get the funding and proper management they need, science and education are supported, good policy rises to the top and harmful policy is blocked, and the stewardship of hunting continues.

The question is, will this public approval rating hold or will we be out of business?
When our society had rural roots, traditional outdoor activities were never questioned, nor were the expert agencies that managed our wildlife resources for all the people. In today’s urban-dominated society our expert agencies are being repeatedly challenged in court, wildlife management decisions are being made by voter ballot initiatives, and a small, but vocal minority is poisoning the well against hunting.

The answer, our response as a community of hunter-conservationists, is out there, we just need your support to help package and deliver it. Your financial support will enable us to continue our efforts to promote outdoor ethics for all people and emphasize the benefits of a shared use of our natural resources. With your contribution, the Club can continue advocating to all the ethic of respect for wildlife and wild places, and fair chase hunting.

Only with your contribution to the Boone and Crockett Club Foundation can we continue to become a source of reliable information to show all that hunting “is” conservation in practice, and done with the utmost respect for the wildlife and the land. While we certainly appreciate the funds you have already given through your dues and entry fees, we ask that you make an “above and beyond” contribution today. This solicitation does not have any giveaways or other gimmicks. We are asking for a pure contribution to maximize the benefit to the Club.

Please send in your tax deductible donation, ( http://tiny.cc/2htp8w ) in any amount you can afford, so the Boone and Crockett Club can look forward to at least another 125 years of promoting the ethics of fair chase and preserving the hunting opportunities we have today.

Know that whatever gift you can make will be deeply appreciated and put to good use.

Thank you.

Yours In Fair Chase Hunting,

James “Jake” Shinners
Development Committee Chair/Regular Member

Hunting IS conservation in practice.