What Gun-Grabbers Don’t Want You To Know

What Gun-Grabbers Don’t Want You To Know
I hate to say I told you so, but . . .

National Association for Gun Rights
National Association for Gun Rights

Colorado –(AmmoLand.com)– Now there’s indisputable evidence of what gun owners like you and me have been saying for years.

Gun bans do NOT decrease gun crime.

In fact, if anything, they increase it.

Banning guns only disarms law-abiding citizens while criminals are empowered knowing their targets have been disarmed.

Ownership of a handgun has been virtually impossible in Britain since 1997 but according to a recent article, gun crime has gone up 89% in the past decade.

Yet, every time there is any gun related violence the anti-gunners continue to repeat their worn out mantra: If we just banned guns it would all go away.

I’m sick and tired of them getting away with this sort of rhetoric.

It’s time they look at the facts and read the statistics and it’s time gun owners have the evidence they need to argue against the unfounded claims of gun-grabbers.

For more on this story, click here to see Luke’s blog.

In Liberty,
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
National Association for Gun Rights