West Virginia Closing Dates for Fisher, Fox, Raccoon, and Bobcat Seasons

Closing Dates for Fisher, Fox, Raccoon, and Bobcat Seasons

West Virginia – -(OutDoorWire.com)- The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources reminds trappers that the trapping season for fisher will end on January 31, 2009. This will be followed a month later, on February 28, 2009, by the closing of hunting and trapping seasons for fox, raccoon and bobcat. Hunters and trappers are required to tag all fisher pelts and unskinned bobcats at an official game checking station within 30 days of the close of their respective seasons. Fox and raccoon pelts are not required to be checked at a game checking station.

Trappers, hunters and fur dealers are reminded that furs shipped out of West Virginia must have a fur shipping tag that is available at West Virginia Division of Natural Resources District Offices and most checking stations.

Bobcat hunters and trappers should also obtain a CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) seal for each pelt they plan to sell outside of the State of West Virginia. All bobcat pelts usually exported from the United States by licensed fur buyers must have a CITES seal from the state where the animal was trapped. These seals may be obtained from theElkins Operations Center and any West Virginia DNR District Office. Calling ahead is advised to ensure that personnel authorized to seal bobcat pelts will be available.