Week Five In The Legislature with the Iowa Firearms Coalition

Iowa State Flag
Iowa State Flag
Iowa Firearms Coalition
Iowa Firearms Coalition

USA -(Ammoland.com)- Thanks to all who made time to visit their local legislative forums this weekend. We’ve received several reports from members throughout the state who visited their legislators. Keep it up!

We need to continue this outreach process because anti-gunners continue to turn out in droves at these forums and your voice is needed to counter their “mistruths.”

Our guide to speaking out about Second Amendment legislation has everything you need to make a positive impact at events like these: talking points about our pro-gun owner bills, gun control bills, and how to get a straight answer from your legislator. Bookmark that link and keep it handy for whenever someone starts spreading lies about our bills.

Earlier this week Iowa Senator Herman Quirmbach made a “joke” about shooting up Iowa State University while debating an education funding bill in the Senate floor.

“I can look out my living room window, and when the leaves are down, I can see Beardshear Hall. I got a clear shot at Beardshear Hall, and every now and then I’m tempted to take it.”

Quirmbach is a noted anti-gunner who actually works as an economics professor at Iowa State University. A day after making his “joke” about shooting up the school Quirmbach apologized, sort of.

“There was nothing sinister in my intent, but I should have used a better metaphor. I am sorry that some have read into my remarks meaning I did not intend,” Quirmbach said.

Quirmbach banner
Quirmbach banner

Seems pretty genuine, right? We didn’t think so either. Last year Senator Quirmbach claimed we were giving guns to four year olds, now there’s this comment about taking shots at ISU from him house.

It seems the good Senator is having a hard time distinguishing fact from fiction. Perhaps it is time he’s placed on a government “watch list” and have his rights restricted???

Shout out to IFC member Derek Drayer who wrote a superb guest column to the Cedar Rapids Gazette. Mr. Drayer set a perfect example of how to rationally explain what we’re working for – protecting the natural rights of Iowans!

Letters to the editor, guest columns and the like are great ways to help spread the word about our fight to protect and enhance Iowans’ freedoms. Consider writing a letter to your local paper explaining why you support pro-Second Amendment legislation, it’s a great way to get our message out to Iowans who may not be tuned into what’s going on.

Our how to talk about pro-gun owner legislation page is an excellent guide for what to say. We’re also happy to help you fine tune your message, just email us at info@iowafc.org

Make your voice heard in the capitol. Join us March 7th for Second Amendment Day in the Iowa Capitol. Meet your lawmakers and tell them what you expect from them. Join IFC’s leaders and fellow Second Amendment advocates for a day of lobbying, fellowship and good company.

March 7th, the Iowa Firearms Coalition is hosting another Second Amendment Day in the Iowa Capitol.
March 7th, the Iowa Firearms Coalition is hosting another Second Amendment Day in the Iowa Capitol.

Finally, word continues to spread about our push to legalize Stand Your Ground in Iowa and overturn Iowa’s “duty to retreat” status. KWQC, the Quad Cities NBC affiliate, recently ran a story stating the Iowa will soon discuss Stand Your Ground. What they failed mention is that Stand Your Ground has been discussed for years in Iowa, ever since we introduced the original Stand Your Ground bill in 2012.

There have already been two Stand Your Ground bills introduced in the Senate this year. There will likely be one more that will drop soon. Eventually one of these bills will proceed and the others will fall by the wayside.

As always you can count on the Iowa Firearms Coalition to keep you fully up to speed on what’s moving forward, what bills are dead and who to contact. There’s plenty more to come, that’s for sure!

Thank you for continuing to support Iowa’s only truly effective Second Amendment advocates the Iowa Firearms Coalition!


About Iowa Firearms Coalition:

Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC) is an entirely volunteer, grassroots, Second Amendment advocacy group. Responsible for bringing uniformity to Iowa’s Concealed Weapons Permitting process, IFC’s members work to protect and enhance Second Amendment rights in Iowa. An affiliate of the National Rifle Association, the IFC actively seeks to foster and promote the shooting sports.

Sign up for our email list for the latest on Second Amendment issues in Iowa.

You can support our work by becoming a member, or making a donation.

For more information, visit: https://iowafc.org.