We Won Recalls of Anti-Gunnies In Colorado – Eat it Bloomberg
By Lt. Col. Robert K. Brown USAR (Ret.)
Boulder, CO – -(Ammoland.com)- On September 11th 2013, how they sniveled, oh how they whined, oh how they obfuscated, oh how they distorted, oh how they lied…right down to the bottom of their corrupt, odiferous rotten roots.
Of course, I’m referring to the evil cabal consisting of the little dictator from the rotten apple, bumbling Bloomberg; the Democratic National Committee; DNC Chairwomen Debbie Waa, waa, serman-Schultz; Organizing for Action. which is Obama’s political organizing arm; and the rest of the big guns of the bottom-feeding liberal left.
They could not accept that they had their collective asses kicked in the recall elections in Colorado that took down, oh so unexpectedly, two anti-gun lefties who led the Colorado Democrat-controlled legislature to ram unacceptable gun restrictions down the throats of Colorado voters.
The overall significance the lefties put on the outcome of the recall election can be judged by the sour graping of one Megan Hannigan, finance director of the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, who said that “…this was a truly nationwide effort.”
The bad guys outspent the good guys seven to one. Bloomberg wrote a check for $350,000 and another left winger kicked in $250,000. The good guys raised only around $500,000 total, of which the NRA kicked in $360,000.
What we accomplished in Colorado was truly remarkable. Steve Schreiner, Executive Director of the Firearms Coalition of Colorado, has summarized the activities of his organization in the recall campaign below. Next month, I will talk about the other activists.
Steve Schreiner: “ At an early 2013 Friday night organizing meeting at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, I invited the Recall Group (both Colorado Springs and Pueblo) to send a team of volunteers to the Firearms Coalition of Colorado (FCC) table at a local gun show in town that weekend. Their purpose was to gather volunteers and donations for the recall effort. Four and then more volunteers showed up, with a map of the Springs Senate District 11, volunteer sign-up sheets and a donations bowl. They were fabulously successful, gathering more than 550 signatures plus donations that first weekend.
The effort grew from there, and the same happened when we were in Pueblo, with Victor Head doing real-time checking of recall petition signers the following weekend.
The FCC helped out in many ways over the next few months, donating its own people, time and efforts to volunteer for the cause many times over, along with fresh grassroots leadership in both the Basic Freedom Defense Fund and Pueblo Freedom and Rights plus to our two candidates’ campaigns, both Bernie Herpin and George Rivera. The FCC printed several flyers to support the effort, including one specifically for the two pro-gun candidates, and distributed them.
Volunteer teams of people came from surrounding communities, including the Denver area, to man phone banks and especially to walk precincts in both Senate Districts 3 and 11 on a repeated basis in very hot summer weather. Right up until election eve, no one was willing to call the recall either way. Despite massively overwhelming monetary contributions by the other side, as well as their enormous number of paid, imported “volunteers,” we never gave up and we never gave in. The public made up its mind and we won with sheer guts, and many volunteers working overtime to the point of exhaustion.
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