Watch Out For GOP Wooden Nickels in the Battle for Our Gun Rights

Watch Out For GOP Wooden Nickels in the Battle for Our Gun Rights

National Association for Gun Rights
National Association for Gun Rights

Illinois – -( “Watch out for wooden nickels,” is something my Grandpa used to tell me when I was a kid. The sentiment couldn’t be more apt now though.

I’ve watched with some skepticism as Establishment Republicans have been swept into office on a tide of genuine political discontent. As the GOP claims “great” victories in states like Massachusetts and Virginia, gun owners should be hesitant to jump on the GOP bandwagon.

On Tuesday evening, GOP pundits were championing Congressman Mark Kirk’s victory in the Illinois Republican U.S. Senate primary. Many of those same talking heads are enthusiastically trumpeting Representative Kirk’s chances to win the Senate seat formerly occupied by President Barack Obama.

Is this Republican success reason for gun owners to be optimistic?


Congressman Kirk has long been an enemy of gun owners, supporting legislation to close the so-called “gun-show loop-hole”, ban certain types of semi-automatic rifles and require background checks to purchase ammunition.

Kirk is not the only anti-gun Republican looking for a promotion. His gun-hating compadre Congressman Mike Castle of Delaware is preparing to make a run for the Senate as well.

What does this mean for gun owners?

We cannot allow ourselves to be sucked into the hallow victories being celebrated by the Republican Party. Gun owners must be able to discern between the pro-liberty, pro-gun candidates and the anti-gun wolves hiding in Republican clothing.

That’s why your involvement with the National Association for Gun Rights is so important. We are here to help you cut through the election year lies, through the political propaganda and expose the anti-gunners from BOTH parties.

Right now the staff at the National Association for Gun Rights is assembling data on candidates from across the country. We’re beginning to target House and Senate races, and we’re preparing our candidate surveys.

Gun rights surveys are an important part of holding politicians accountable and finding out their views on the Second Amendment. If you’d like to read our survey, you can click here.

Please take a moment to forward this article to your freedom and gun loving friends and family members, remind them that just because a politician has an “R” after their name doesn’t mean they’re pro-liberty or pro-gun.

In Liberty,
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
National Association for Gun Rights
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