Volunteers Needed to Protect Trump Supporters at Minneapolis Trump Rally, Oct 10th

ALERT: Security volunteers needed! Oath Keepers, veterans, bikers, three percenters, and other capable patriots, we need your help.

Oath Keepers Volunteers
Oath Keepers Volunteers

Minneapolis MN, – -(AmmoLand.com)- The violent communists of Antifa have issued a national call to action for Antifa and other radical, America hating leftists to converge on the upcoming Trump rally in Minneapolis on Oct 10 to “disrupt” the Trump rally with an Antifa black block “America is Canceled” protest against capitalism. We need to be there to provide volunteer security escorts for rally attendees as they walk to and from the rally.

Here is what is posted on the leading Antifa website, It’s Going Down:

Call For An Anti-Capitalist Bloc At The Upcoming Anti-Trump Protest In Minneapolis, Minnesota On Thursday, October 10th.
Trump is having a campaign rally in downtown Minneapolis. He wants to keep America great, but…

AMERICA IS CANCELED. (https://itsgoingdown.org/call-for-an-anti-capitalist-bloc-at-the-anti-trump-protest-in-minneapolis/)

Antifa Trump Protest In Minneapolis screengrab 10-06-2019
Antifa Trump Protest In Minneapolis screengrab 10-06-2019

Join us to celebrate with an anti-capitalist bloc.

Bring yourself, bring your friends, bring your crew and come prepared to disrupt the nightmare that is Trump.

October 10th • 6pm • Target Center

Meet at the “America is Canceled” banner.

We are confident that the venue itself will be safe, but we have serious concerns for the safety of attendees as they walk from their vehicles to the venue, and then back to their vehicles in the dark afterward. There have been numerous examples of Trump supporters being attacked under those circumstances, especially as they leave a rally. Therefore, we need to be there to provide volunteer security escorts for Trump rally attendees in Minneapolis, MN just as we recently did to great success at the Trump rally in Rio Rancho, NM.

Leftists have a right to protest, but they don’t have a right to shut down the free speech and assembly of other people. Nor do they have a right to assault people because they don’t like their politics. We have a duty to protect our fellow Americans against such terrorism, and we will. No American, of whatever political party, should have to worry about being violently assaulted as they attend a public political rally.

If you are within driving range of the Minneapolis, MN, and you are capable of assisting with security, we need your help in keeping the rally attendees safe. NOTE: you do NOT have to be a member of Oath Keepers to volunteer.

To volunteer, email us at: oathkeepersok@gmail.com

(We are using that email for now, to ensure reliable communications with volunteers as we update our IT systems.)

Put “Minneapolis Trump Rally Security Volunteer” in the subject line. Please provide your full name, phone number, zip code, and tell us about your prior service, training, or experience that is relevant to a security mission. If you are a member of Oath Keepers, please include your membership number. Please also include links to any social media profiles. Expect to be heavily vetted. As always, we will not accept anyone who advocates, or belongs to any group that advocates, the overthrow of the U.S. government or that discriminates along racial lines. We also cannot use anyone who is a convicted felon

We are looking for calm, physically capable men who can effectively protect others, while also keeping their cool under pressure.

We always work closely with other awesome patriot or biker groups. If you are the leader of a motorcycle club, riding club, association, or group that is interested in helping with security, or the leader of a three percent group, firearms association, or other patriot group, please email us at the same oathkeepersok@gmail.com email, but please add “Security Leader” in the subject line and tell us who you are with (we will trust you to vet your own men).

NOTE: If you want to help, or if you simply want to attend the rally, please reserve a rally ticket ASAP by going here. There is a distinct possibility that only rally ticket holders will be allowed inside a large event security perimeter, so please get a ticket. Expect radical leftists to grab tickets as well, so they can infiltrate and disrupt the rally from within, so don’t presume you can grab a ticket last minute.

If you can’t make it in person to help, please consider making a donation to support our work. We are planning to reimburse gas money, hotel, and food for our volunteers. You can donate here:


As always, our police officers and military veterans will be communicating and coordinating closely with local law enforcement and federal LEOs so we do not get in their way while still doing our critical work of protecting rally attendees. This will be an independent volunteer security operation, not formally associated with either the Trump campaign or with any law enforcement agency, but our Oath Keepers police officers will closely liaison with all relevant LEOs so they know who we are, why we are there, where we will be, who our leaders are and how to contact them, and vis versa. We have done that dozens of times as we have protected people from Antifa violence all over the nation, from Inauguration Day in DC, on.

Antifa’s normal M.O. is to harass, assault, and distract police with one of their “black block” formations (often throwing rocks, bottles, etc at police and setting fires) and then seek out vulnerable individuals for a gang beating of three or four on one, often with a masked Antifa hitting the victim in the head with a hard object, such as a bike lock, and then disappearing back into the “black block” of identically clad Antifa, making it difficult to find the perp. They especially like to attack people as they try to get back to their vehicles. They often target the elderly and infirm. For example, at the recent Rio Rancho, NM Trump rally, we prevented violent leftists from assaulting an elderly disabled veteran.

At an even more recent event in Canada, Antifa harassed and intimidated an elderly couple blocking their way and preventing them from being able to enter the venue, violating their rights to free speech and assembly.

The rhetoric of the left has only intensified since, labeling all Trump supporters ( even if they are Hispanic or black) as “supporters of white supremacy,” “racist” and “fascist” just for wanting a secure border and wanting our immigration laws enforced. There were many patriotic Mexican-American Trump supporters at the Rio Rancho rally, just as at least half the crowd at the El Paso Trump rally in February were Hispanic. But that reality doesn’t faze the Marxist ideology obsessed leftists who insist that to be patriotic or conservative is equivalent to being a “Nazi” or a member of the KKK, and who therefor justify shutting down the free speech of other Americans through violence.

Because of this reality, Oath Keepers and our allies will be there to help provide volunteer security escorts for rally attendees as they go into the rally and as they leave the rally and return to their vehicles. We expect to do the same at other Trump rallies from now until Election Day, 2020.

It is critical that we preserve the free speech and political assembly rights of our fellow Americans. Our republican form of government is in peril when Americans don’t feel safe to attend a political rally. If you can help in person, please step up and volunteer by emailing us at: oathkeepersok@gmail.com.

If you can’t make it in person, please support those who can, and support our mission, by making a donation here:

Please also consider joining Oath Keepers to help us in our mission to preserve and protect the U.S. Constitution, from all enemies, foreign and domestic. You do NOT have to be prior service to join. We are all in this together! Join here:

To be kept abreast of future calls to action and security alerts, please subscribe to our email list here: Subscribe For Updates

For the Republic,
Stewart Rhodes
Founder of Oath Keepers

Oath Keepers

About Oath Keepers:

Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like-minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us, God. Our Oath is to the Constitution.

For more information, visit www.oathkeepers.org.