Virginia Senator Mark Warner Now *Pushing* Gun Control? Take Action!

Virginia Senator Mark Warner
Virginia Senator Mark Warner Now *Pushing* Gun Control? Take Action!

Virginia – -( Senator Mark Warner was good on guns when he was the governor of Virginia. He signed several important gun bills into law, including one of our prize jewels: Virginia’s firearms preemption law passed in 2004.

However, everything changed once Warner was elected as one of Virginia’s two federal senators. Since that day, Mark Warner has done next to nothing for gun owners and mostly supported gun control.

He did manage to vote “no” on an “Assault Weapon” Ban bill in 2013, and he now says he regrets even that token vote for gun rights! (see:…),

Things have continued to slide downhill with Warner. Now Warner is actually SPONSORING an “Assault Weapon” Ban bill! So he has not been supportive of gun rights AND now he is actively working against Virginia’s gun owners and the Constitution by introducing gun-control legislation!


Enough is enough. Warner is supposed to be representing us and he needs to be reminded that 1) we are out here and watching him and 2) we do not want any more gun control. In fact we want the Hearing Protection Act and we want National Reciprocity passed out of the Senate and signed into law.

Ignoring Warner’s bad behavior will only encourage him to keep going down his current path of trying to be a gun-control leader, like Chuck Schumer. If Warner gets a load of pushback, he might at least stop introducing gun-control bills.


Overloading his telephone lines AND flooding his inbox with webmail will get his attention. We need to do both in a polite, but FIRM way.

Warner’s phone number to leave messages: 202-224-2023

Warner’s webmail:

Suggested subject: When are you going to stand up for Virginia’s gun owners?

Suggested message:

We do NOT need more gun control, including the “assault weapon” ban that you are now pushing. If gun control worked, Chicago, Maryland, and DC would be the safest places on the planet. Virginia, with its strong support of gun rights, including not having an “assault weapon” ban, is far safer than any of those places.

When are you going to do something for the 1.5 million gun owners and the 425,000 concealed handgun permit holders in Virginia for a change?

We need you to stop supporting gun control and start supporting things like the Hearing Protection Act and National Concealed Carry Reciprocity. You represent VIRGINIA and its values, not California.

Virginia Citizens Defense LeagueAbout Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL):

Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

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