Virginia – -(AmmoLand.com)- The 2019 Virginia General Assembly voting record on firearms bills has now been compiled and is available for viewing/downloading.
Not surprisingly (and sadly), the Republicans with the WORST voting record in the House of the Senate were much, much better than the BEST Democrat.
We are talking about a basic civil right – the right to defend your life, the lives of your family, and the lives of other innocents. BOTH parties should be fighting over who could best protect and fully restore such a sacred right. Instead one party wants to highly restrict it and the other is protecting the right, but not doing much to remove the restrictions that have been place on the RKBA over the last 100 or so years. Gun-control has its roots in racism. The Democrats should be running from it, not embracing it.
Virginia SENATE
In the Senate, here are the top three, be sure and thank them:
- 1. (Tie) Senators Ryan McDougle and Mark Obenshain
- 2. Senator Ben Chafin
- 3. Senator Mark Peake
The Senate had 15 100% scores out of 40 senators. All were Republicans.
The Republican senator with the lowest score was Senator Emmitt Hanger with a 57% score.
The Senate Democrats with the best score of 20% were (tie) Senators Jennifer Boysco, Barbara Favola, Lynwood Lewis, Montgomery Mason, and Jeremy McPike.
The senators with the worst scores of 0% were Senators Lionell Spruill, Scott Surovell, Jennifer MClellan, Mamie Lock, and the absolute bottom of the barrel was Louise Lucas, who had more chances to vote on gun bills than the others(28 times) and voted wrong every single time.
Virginia HOUSE
In the House, here are the top three, be sure and thank them:
- 1. (Tie) Delegates Jeff Campbell and Mike Webert
- 2. Delegate Nick Frietas
- 3. Delegate Matt Fariss
The House had 46 100% scores out of 100 delegates! All were Republicans.
The Republican delegate with the lowest score was Delegate Robert Orrock with an 83% score.
The House Democrat with the best score of 62% was Delegate Dawn Adams.
The delegate with the worst score of 12% was Delegate Kaye Kory.
View The Report
Virginia’s 2019 General Assembly Voting Record On Gun Bills
About Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL):
Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.
For more information, visit: www.vcdl.org.