Virginia Pro-Gun Bills Advance & Anti-Gun Bills Continue To Pour In

Richmond Virginia State Capitol Building
Richmond Virginia State Capitol Building
Virginia Citizens Defense League
Virginia Citizens Defense League

Virginia – -( We are off to a good start:

HB 1582, Del. Campbell, allows active military personnel over 18 and less than 21 to apply for a concealed handgun permit, reported out of committee and is headed to the House Floor!

Voting with gun owners: Lingamfelter, Wright, Cline, Gilbert, Morefield, Edmunds, Wilt, Webert, Morris, Fariss, O’Quinn, Head, Rush, Fowler, Davis, Tyler, Rasoul, Bell, John J.

Voting against gun owners: Hope, Kory, Lopez, Simon

HB 1458, Del. Lingamfelter, reduces CHP fee from the current maximum of $50 down to $5 for a five year permit! Reported out of committee UNANIMOUSLY and heads to Appropriations Committee.

HB 1418, Del. McQuinn, allows localities to ban guns in libraries, was KILLED in subcommittee by a 4 to 1 vote, with Delegate John J. Bell voting against gun owners.

Pro-gun and anti-gun bills continue to pour in:

Here is a sampling of some gun bill subjects:


* Constitutional Carry
* Concealed *weapon* permit
* Restoration of gun rights to NON-VIOLENT felons
* Switchblades made legal
* Codifying current law on carry in churches
* Updating “prohibited ammunition” definition for modern ammunition improvements
* Reduction of CHP fees
* No sales tax when purchasing many gun safes
* Laminated or plastic CHP cards
* Protection order becomes a de facto CHP
* Emergency shelters cannot ban guns
* CHPs for 18 to 20-year-old members of the military
* College carry, and more.


* Registration of all guns
* Universal Background Checks
* Gun Show Loophole
* Destruction/neutering of firearms preemption law allowing localities to make up their own gun control laws at will
* Open carry restrictions
* Gun CONFISCATIONS based on the low legal-standard “probably cause”
* Ban on loaded long guns in larger localities
* One Handgun a Month
* Restaurants and stores required to post sign if they ALLOW carry, and more.

You can follow all the gun bills during the session by clicking here:

LAST CALL – buses and Pre-Lobby Day dinner


If you want a seat on a bus from Fairfax, Fredericksburg, Roanoke, or Lynchburg, you need to make that reservation by Saturday, January 14 before midnight. Email for reservation:


If you are going to attend the Pre-Lobby Day dinner, you need to make your reservation by Saturday, January 14 before midnight. Email for reservation:

About Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL):

Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

For more information, visit: