Virginia House of Delegates Tied by One Vote, Gun Lobby Day a Must Attend Event

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Virginia House of Delegates Tied by One Vote, Gun Lobby Day a Must Attend Event
Virginia Citizens Defense League
Virginia Citizens Defense League

Virginia – -( A recount has now tied control of the Virginia House of Delegates BY ONE VOTE (I never want to hear any gun owner saying their vote doesn’t count).

That single vote has made Virginia Citizens Defense League’s job of both protecting and advancing gun rights in Virginia MUCH more difficult and MUCH more important.

The anti-rights crowd isn’t wasting any time. There are already bills pre-filed that will:

* ban anything that makes a semi-automatic firearm fire faster than an “unaided” shooter can fire that same firearm. Existing devices are not grandfathered. Gun Parts Ban.
* allow localities to prohibit firearms at protests and demonstrations. Subverting Preemption
* ban firearms at preschools and child daycare centers. Increased Gun Free Zones
* make it illegal for a person open carrying to consume alcohol, even a glass of wine with a meal. Gun Owner Harrasment
* ban online firearms training. Reduced Access to Gun Safety Training

Those anti rights bills bills are just the tip of the iceberg. Universal background checks, “assault weapon” bans, magazine capacity limitations, bans on carry in libraries and other local government buildings, and much more are on the way.

What Virginia Citizens Defense League needs:

  • As many paying members as possible – Virginia has 450,000 CHP holders, while VCDL has less than 7,000 members. We can and must do better. Join Today
  • More gun owners on VA-ALERT email. Virginia Citizens Defense League has 28,000 currently, Subscribe Today
  • A strong Lobby Day, which is on Monday, January 15, from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. in Richmond at the General Assembly building, with a rally at the Bell Tower at 11 a.m. Speakers to be announced shortly.
  • Contributions to bolster Virginia Citizens Defense League’s war chest

The best defense is a strong offense and Virginia Citizens Defense League is planning an aggressive agenda for 2018.

About Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL):

Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). Virginia Citizens Defense League is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

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