Virginia – -( Mark your calendars! Virginia Citizens Defense League is officially going to have a Special Session Lobby Day on Tuesday, July 9, starting at 9 a.m. This event is critical! With razor-thin margins in the House and Senate, a single legislator defection could spell disaster.
We need to have a huge Lobby Day, as this special session is aimed squarely at our gun rights and our liberty. Please attend this event if there is any way possible. Tell your employer NOW that you need to take the day off on Tuesday, July 9th. The gun-controllers will be there, fully supporting the Governor’s agenda.
We will meet at the Bell Tower on the Capitol grounds at 9th and Bank streets in Richmond and we will go into the building in groups. No lobbying experience necessary! Everyone will be given a “Guns Save Lives” sticker to wear. We want the building and committee hearing rooms flooded with people wearing them.
Each group will have a handout to give to each assigned legislator or their aide. More details will follow as the date gets closer, including carpooling options for those who are not reasonably close to Richmond. Ad Hoc groups will be formed for those arriving late.
There may well be committee or subcommittee hearings later that day, so we might need as many people as possible to hang around and flood the hearing rooms. The session may go on for days, so if you can attend committee or subcommittee meetings on other days, please do so!
If you are a member of a gun or hunting club, share this information about Lobby Day with club’s leadership and have them email it to all the club’s members! Do the same for any Legislative Action Items, too. All hands on deck!
If you have attended a Lobby Day before and would like to be a team leader, contact EM Ken Van Wyk, who is coordinating the teams. You can reach Ken at:
Team Leaders are responsible for:
- knowing the locations of their assigned legislators (we will provide help on how to do so)
- making appointments with assigned legislators
- leading a team from one assigned legislative office to the next
- providing each legislator or their aide with a copy of the VCDL Legislative Summary
- politely introducing your group as a VCDL delegation
- asking the legislator (either directly or through their aide) to support VCDL’s positions on behalf of Virginia gun owners and
- steering the general discussion of the meeting
- VCDL will provide you with an after action report to fill out which records your assessment of the contacts.
Team Leaders are NOT responsible for recruiting teams, there will be plenty of volunteers available that morning to draw from. Team Leaders are also NOT required to do all the talking. In fact, having different people speak on different bills can be more engaging.
About Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL):
Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.
For more information, visit: