U.S.A. –-(Ammoland.com)- As the national debate continues on how best to protect America’s schools, the United States Concealed Carry Association has long been advocating for trained faculty members to be able to defend their classrooms through concealed carry, and Tim Schmidt of the USCCA weighed in recently:
“Concealed-carry permit holders are on the front lines of defense for our students, because they have the necessary knowledge and experience to protect their classrooms. In an emergency situation, seconds matter,” wrote Tim Schmidt, Founder & President of the US Concealed Carry Association in an op-ed for FoxNews.com.
“Several school districts in South Dakota have also implemented a ‘School Sentinel’ program, where school officials with concealed-carry permits can undergo training by the local police department in firearms proficiency and first aid.”
“A similar program has been in place in parts of Texas for a number of years. Volunteers have similar training and vetting requirements as part of the program. Many other school districts in Texas do not have a formal program, but allow teachers and staff with a valid concealed-carry permit to bring their firearms with them to campus.”
Tim Schmidt, Founder & President of the US Concealed Carry Association, is available this week to discuss the issue via phone or from their television studio at the USCCA Headquarters. Tim has recently appeared on CBS News 60 Minutes and CNN New Day among other programs to discuss gun rights in the wake of recent mass shootings.
About The U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA)
The U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) provides education, training and self-defense insurance to responsible American gun owners. Headquartered in West Bend, WI, the USCCA is the largest and fastest-growing association whose sole focus is the responsibly armed American.
Headquartered in West Bend, WI, the USCCA is the largest and fastest-growing, member-owned, private association whose sole focus is the responsibly armed American.
The USCCA has over 220,000 active association members and over 250,000 magazine subscribers.