Wisconsin –-(Ammoland.com)- Greetings in Freedom! Last week Wisconsin Carry published a notice to members and others describing a Milwaukee Gun Range’s policy of voluntarily turning over customer names to local police to have background checks run on each one.
In response to feedback from customers and others who received our email, the owner of the range reached out to Wisconsin Carry to discuss their policy.
While we, unfortunately, cannot report that the range will discontinue its policy of providing customer names to local police for a background check, we do feel an obligation to report a change to the policy.
Brew City Shooters Supply beginning last weekend changed their policy to exclude any customers who have and show a valid concealed carry license from the list of customer names provided to local police. Brew City also relayed that they posted signage that informs customers that West Milwaukee Police run the background check.
(previous waivers just indicated that customers were subject to a background check, not who would conduct it)
Wisconsin Carry does not endorse nor advocate for this policy. We reminded Brew City that many law-abiding customers who do not have a concealed carry license but want to practice at a range are still being reported to local police. We reminded Brew City that many citizens eschewed the concealed carry license and government registration that came along with it and instead open-carry legally without a permit. Those customers would still be submitted for background checks to local police. We also reminded Brew City that Wisconsin Carry continues to advocate for, and will hopefully bring constitutional carry to Wisconsin within 5 years’ time, at which time many Wisconsin carriers will no longer obtain a state license to carry concealed.
Ultimately, it will be up to Brew City’s customers, not Wisconsin Carry, to decide if this alteration in their policy is acceptable or not as they make their decisions of which local gun ranges to patronize.
Wisconsin Carry continues to await the results of the open records request we have made of the Village of West Milwaukee Police Department to determine the extent of the use of information obtained about customers of the range, whether WMPD has stored/maintains records of the names of law-abiding customers previously provided, and what system was used by WMPD to conduct these “background checks”.
We will review this information when it is provided to us and determine if any laws have been broken or citizens’ rights violated by West Milwaukee Police and provide updates when we have anything noteworthy to pass along.
Carry On,
Nik ClarkChairman/President – Wisconsin Carry, Inc.
About Wisconsin Carry, Inc.
Wisconsin Carry, Inc. is a non-profit corporation dedicated to the preservation and reclamation of the rights of law-abiding Wisconsin residents to carry in the manner of their choosing. We believe that “open carry” and “concealed carry” are choices to be made by law-abiding citizens based on their situation and preference. Wisconsin Carry, like many gun-rights organizations in Wisconsin, is investing a great deal of resources to get Wisconsin law changed to allow concealed carry this next legislative session by proposing Constitutional Carry. Wisconsin Carry, Inc. will continue to use legal recourse to deter unlawful treatment of law-abiding Wisconsin residents who currently exercise their right to open carry, and soon will exercise their right to concealed carry in Wisconsin. Visit: www.wisconsincarry.org