By Rob Morse
Louisiana- ( Thank you for donating to Paul Lathrop’s legal defense fund. You helped an honest man receive an honest defense. Paul is a second amendment activist, and he still needs your help.
Thank you. We collected about $8,500 of the $15,000 required. We’ve paid for bail so Paul is back at work. We retained a competent lawyer. That means Paul will have a legal defense. We still need money for legal expenses.
For example, Paul’s firearms trainers can be called to testify in his defense. That takes money for transportation and lodging. We need official copies of the security video and the legal complaint filed against Paul. They might hire an investigator. All that takes money.
Please donate here.
Rob Morse: Rob writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Clash Daily and on his SlowFacts blog. He hosts the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast. He is an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.