U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit Service Pistol Team to host Conventional Pistol Shooting Camp
FORT BENNING, GEORGIA – -(TheOutdoorWire.com)- The U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit Service Pistol Team will host a Conventional Pistol Shooting Camp March 11 to 13 at Phillips Range. There will also be a follow-on National Rifle Association Conventional 2700 Pistol Match on March 14.
There is no cost to attend the pistol camp, however, all participants must bring their own shooting equipment and ammunition. Participants must pay for their own transportation, lodging and meals.
The focus of the camp will be on beginning- and intermediate-level pistol shooters and will be for both junior shooters and adult coaches. The national-award winning shooters of the USAMU Service Pistol Team will provide instruction to the participants. All juniors must have an adult with them and all adults wishing to attend must bring a junior shooter with them.
For more information, contact Service Pistol Team Coach Rick Hawkins at (706) 545- 3893 or Richard.hawkins@usaac.army.mil .
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